Sunday, December 11, 2022

Reflections – on living the moment!



Reflections – on living the moment!

So, you see, at every point in time, when we pick one, we miss out on all others. We suffer ‘what ifs’ of things and opportunities that we missed. Our greed and lust express themselves there. Don’t let them suffocate you. Don’t let them strangle you from enjoying what is within your reach. Don’t be fooled by these ‘attitudes’. They are very smart and powerful. Be aware and alert enough to catch them fooling you.

I couldn’t see all even if I wanted to! So, it is with life. We can’t live all! We can’t have all.

If we choose one profession, the pros of other profession are lost on us. When we chose our life partner, we have this nagging feeling ‘may be I’ll be more happy with the other and better one’. But no! Every person will have positive and negative traits. You may get some positive qualities that the present person/job doesn’t have, but you may also lose on the good traits that the present person/job has when you go for exchange.

So it is with house, sarees, vacations (place of vacation) etc etc…


# living in the moment, mindfulness, awareness, beingness, now and here, life is in the present, Il dolce far niente, life, present moment, 

further on this topic: 


Question time:
What are the 'what if's' you live with?
Are you sure that the other option that you missed living or choosing would give you 100% happiness and it would be 'pain free'? May be you will find your questions at least few of them answered in the link given:

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