Friday, December 9, 2022

Shaping the World!


Shaping the World!

We are shaping the World - both outside and inside - one day at a time!

One change at a time makes an impact over time!

Every act has its effect on the overall picture!

No act goes waste. It's shaping up the way things are to come in time!

Now, what is the change we have chosen that is impacting the way we want the World to shape?

What act would shape the World and our life in a way we are proud to own up on a later day?

Think, think again and again about the same…..


read link if you need to have more clarity on this topic : 


for those who want to rush about and lack time and energy to go through the long links 

Question time :

How has been your journey in the last couple of years?

Those who have patience can also talk about themselves and their growth before and after Reiki in their lives.....

see the impact your sadhan as brought about in you, by you and for you.....

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