Tuesday, August 31, 2021

wow moments! No feedback of wow moments!


wow moments! No feedback of wow moments!

As per post https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=6th+september thought we would make this month a 'wow month' - but didn't receive wow moments in feedback!

And that knowing is 'wow moment'........

Clothes not getting dry....house looks like dhobi ghat - wow!

cupboards stink.....cold is waking up sleeping pains in the body - wow!

unable to drink tea or have hot samosas - wow!

Wow is just not what happens ' on a grand scale'. Wow is little moments...the wow is also in such moments when things go wrong....wow is also when our plan goes haywire.....missing bus, not getting ticket in train and going unreserved, standing and travelling for 3-4 hours in train, well everything is wow - bas dekhne ki nazar aur sarahne ki dil chahiye........

aur woh nazar jis ke paas hai - wow!!!

Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind


Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind

Don’t justify or feel shame, sad or anger for slipping. Just cut, come back and change the course of your mind to something constructive for yourself and your life.

Sooner than you expect, you’ll see the results in more than one way in you and your life” so saying our Guru left us for the day.

We didn’t know what the call was about or who called. But she had left us. But she didn’t leave before giving us our answers.

We stayed at her place discussing this class and various other topics till late night. She didn’t come back. But, we still felt like staying back. She seemed to leave behind her presence even in her absence. And we were glad to partake of it.

We received our answers. We received our solutions. We received our much needed techniques. Now it was upto us to implement and shape up our lives for good. We had been pain unto ourselves and to our near and dear ones for long!!!

Time to make the shift!

As we closed her gate Rahul and Aziz said “Years ago we with few others went to a temple along with our Guruji. That Disciple was me then. This incident happened with me”.

We were dumb folded!

We wouldn’t have known if he hadn’t disclosed. The more we knew about her, the less we knew!



# Me, My Guru stories, on chattering of mind, control the mind, handling ego, energies, our presence and absence, anger, disturbed mind

Pointers in this post : 

"We didn’t know what the call was about or who called. But she had left us. But she didn’t leave before giving us our answers." - Do students really care anything for their master? Do they really feel concerned for their masters' well-being or life? Many times I have told me "Guruji, when we see your relatives or friends in your house we don't like it. We feel they are taking away our time. We come here to spend time with you and you are surrounded by your family and friends". Read this lines. If you feel this is right and my time is yours then may be you are one of them too! This complaint is for after class timings. Students come to meet me after class because 'they were going from this area'...and yet I, my family and friends have wronged!? (जैसे के गलती मेरी हो) . What does it reflect of you? And I unnecessarily had to move out of my own house because of students barging in at all times?! and yet they are angry at me? 

Student wants what he wants! Does he ever consider privacy issues of the master? Does he ever respect his wish to be not disturbed for any personal reason? No, how many ever times I tell still you have to call/write and keep doing what you decide to do....

i give all answers, clear all doubts by way of blog regularly and yet....that is not enough......have you ever thought about that quality of yours? think about it! And you are angry at me?! What an irony! 

No doubt you don't want to meditate because if you do you will have to face this fact of yours ....but better you do it now when i am still in physical form because i can still guide you to come out of this 'mind game' which is belittling you. This mind game is messing up your life. Better you get aware of it now than later! 

This example clearly reflects one's selfishness and insensitivity to others' needs. If this is one example that I can give you, then imagine how much and how you are behaving with your family and friends....no doubt all the complaints, pain and suffering you have in life happens - they happen for this and such related reasons....become aware of such habits, basis of such nature and attitudes and heal them, address them and become free of them. Then the life that was so miserable to you becomes so sweet to you. You are the writer of your life. Write well if you want to enjoy that script. 

please change your attitude before it is too late.....change to change your world....change for you to enjoy life as you wish to be a reality.....change for you want to be happy....you are doing no favour to anyone by changing....you are not doing for it is 'punya karma' (to earn brownie points or to go to heaven!??). You are doing it for it is sensible thing to do and be and only a sensible being can truly experience respect, love, affection, clarity of thought and be master of abundance of energy that can be channelised to any area of your life......

As always I repeat, I am here to guide you as much as I can and in the way I can.........do it now when my body is still co-operating enough to do this job......

later on don't say "you should have told us then itself maam....."

Monday, August 30, 2021

Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind


Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind

We were silent. We were processing her words. We were looking at our actions. When our mind said “My MIL said this” immediately I would jump in to support it with proofs.

When mind said “but how can she behave so?” I would join it and eventually get angry.

My mind would say “but, what about future?” again I would experience fear based on my assumptions. My mind with its questions made me go from ego to fear to pain to suffering. 

It was a vicious circle. It took me on a roller-coaster ride. Once I sat on it, I didn’t get down. It carried me down the gutter. And I suffered – all because I got carried with my mind – not because of what my mother-in-law/kid did. It was not because of my financial insecurity/reason.

Our Guru came back and sat down. Even before she could settle we pounced on her with our questions “Guruji, tell us a technique to stop this chatter”.

Our Guru smiled and said “Do pranayamam. Those of you who can’t for any reason whatsoever – do deep breathing atleast for 15mts. Do anulom vilom (breathing through alternate nostrils) for 15 mts. Then do Bhasrika (where you close your eyes, ears, mouth and push air through nose that sounds like OM).

Meditate! Any meditation is good enough – say atleast for 15mts. Every single time you catch your mind wandering or chattering, draw a symbol, cancel that through and send Reiki for your intention.


# Me, My Guru stories, on chattering of mind, control the mind, handling ego, energies, our presence and absence, anger, disturbed mind

milestone of 175 posts !

milestone of 175 posts !

This year at the end of June had only 85 posts - one of the lowest of years and I thought it is going down as 'not many posts' worth talking this year!

But then suddenly things changed and lo! just two months later we have crossed 174 posts - almost a good score (by my account!?) - wow! 

Now 200 and may be even 225 posts milestones look doable! Won't plan....won't hope - but will just keep writing as and when can and let's see how things shape up........

cheer me up with reading, sharing your comments, insights and all.......and I am sure we can do it  - together............

read on this topic: milestone of 175 posts ! 

wow moment!


wow moment!

It is raining - it had been raining all night - wow!

It is still raining - wow!

Saw a crow cawing early in the morning - wow!

But it doesn't seem like it is able to caw to its best - is it ill?

Is there a problem with it's throat? 

Don't know and can't know - so am sending reiki to it! - wow!

When we are doubtful of someone dear to us being in trouble instead of worrying about it, simply send reiki that they are healed and completely fine.......

be a pro-active worker, not a worrier! 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind



Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind

After an hour or so, Buddha asked him again to go and fetch some water for him. This time, being noon, no one was at the lake. It was calm. The disciple could get water easily. He gave it to Buddha to drink. Buddha thanked him and drank that water.

Then he asked the disciple “how come you could bring water so soon this time?”

The disciple asked “There were none at the lake. It was undisturbed. Water was so clear and I could get it immediately. Previously, because of activity of everyone the water turned muddy and was unfit to drink. With no one the mud settled and left water clean and fit to drink”.

Buddha smiled nodding his head and said “So it is with mind. Just leave it unattended. Don’t give attention to it. The chatter will settle down and go away eventually. Just wait. Don’t participate in its chatter”.

The disciple bowed down. He received the answer that he sought”.

Our Guru received a call and she left us.


# Me, My Guru stories, on chattering of mind, control the mind, handling ego, energies, our presence and absence, anger, disturbed mind

also read previous post : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Monk+and+the+scorpion+-+me%2C+my+guru 

Sometimes I wonder if me giving these links is if at all useful to any? Why am I taking this extra pain and if this is just waste of time on my part? and yet.....

Whatever, the link given above clearly explains how and why we need to treat and behave with difficult people in our life especially so with our family.....the explanation is very clearly given as end notes in each of those posts......care to go through? If you are the one who is IN REAL SEEKING ANSWERS then you would.....those who want just a shoulder to cry and someone to pity them - well -  take your choice.....

happy reading!

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind



Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind

“My mind chatters non-stop. Help me to stop it. What do I do for that?” asked another.

“People are not behaving right. I am so angry. What do I do?” I asked. Each one asked a question related to their life. But, all that said only one thing – “that our mind was a monkey creating chaos with ego, anger, demands, justification, fault-finding, jealousy and what not!” We needed to address that aspect of our mind. We failed miserably there. 

Our mind was way smarter than us and so it always won. That way we ended up living emotions of fear, pain, anger etc as it wished us to! But our Guru didn’t explain all this to us today. She had told us all this umpteen times. So, she simply started her answer “Once Buddha was going along with his disciples. Having walked for long, they decided to sit and rest under a banyan tree beside a lake. It was then that one of the disciples asked “Master, pray tell us how to stop the chatter of this mind? What do we do?”

Buddha simply smiled and said “But before that, bring me some water to drink”

The disciple went to the lake to get the water. Some villagers were taking bath there. So, he walked ahead to fetch water. He knew water where people were taking bath was not good enough to drink. As he got down in the lake, a cart came rushing into the lake. The water became muddy. The disciple waited for that water to settle. This way something or the other kept happening which made it impossible for him to get water. So, after sometime he decided to go back without water. He returned and narrated the same to Buddha. Buddha just smiled and asked him to sit down.


# Me, My Guru stories, on chattering of mind, control the mind, handling ego, energies, our presence and absence, anger, 

also read previous post : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=fish+and+the+ascetic%2C+me%2C+my+guru

read the given link above to understand how our energies/aura/thoughts emitted from us and by us effect the atmosphere around us. Here it is beautifully explained. In this given story we see how fish are comfortable with the Ascetic as long as his thoughts are without lust or kamam. The moment his thoughts become harmful, lustful and one of hurting them, how they move away from him. If fish would sense won't people react to how we feel about them!? If I am hating you day in and day out and wanting you out of my life, would you be comfortable, happy, good to me and around me? If you are good to people who are good to you only then how can you expect someone you dislike to like you or make you feel comfortable? We receive what we give out! I have said it like a million times and am committing this wrong of repeating myself again this time.....WE RECEIVE WHAT WE GIVE! When I hate my m-i-l I can't expect her to love me - remember that!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind



Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind

By the time she sat down most of us were all smiles. The air seemed light. I felt light. It was as if my burden had been removed.

There she – our Guru was just sitting adjusting her saree (Indian attire for women) and sipping water from her glass – and here I felt relieved!

What a shift in energies? How fast was it? And yet she hadn’t done anything for this? Can someone’s presence make such an impact?

She had been telling all along – “your presence carries your energies and that you can work miracles in silence”. And yet we…And today, we saw its meaning and impact! We felt it and it was so obvious!

Wow! Wonder what effect we had on the people we meet and live with?

“So which aspect of mind are we to reflect on today?” our Guru asked with a smile.

“My mother-in-law is so irritating. She’s driving me nuts. How to regain my composure?” asked one.

“My mind chatters non-stop. Help me to stop it. What do I do for that?” asked another.


# Me, My Guru stories, on chattering of mind, control the mind, handling ego, energies, our presence and absence, anger, 

Pointers in this post : 

"She had been telling all along – “your presence carries your energies and that you can work miracles in silence”. And yet we…And today, we saw its meaning and impact! We felt it and it was so obvious!" - Read the previous lines also. People are always saying "there is so much negativity in the house because of her/him. This answers all those questions. Guru comes and sits (just sits and does nothing else) and yet the tension in the air is cleared. The agitated minds become calm. People feel it all around!!! That is the effect and the possibility of our effect on 'negativity' in the house/ place of residence if we are calm and full of love/affection. Instead of concentrating on how you feel about your m-i-l/s-i-l, spouse, kid, cleanliness, employer, colleagues etc if we are connected to one whom we say we love or care about, then vibe is already good. That spreads in the place you stay. So heal yourself and be calm. So heal your anger, hatred and let that healing give out good vibes in your place of residence....

Covid challenge - reminder


Covid challenge - reminder

This is a reminder to all of you to be with "COVID CHALLENGE" that was started a year and half back....

Those who have excuses to support their inability to do "forget it!"

Those who have lost touch because of some health condition - get back in shape with regular yogasans and exercises that you prefer.....just build your stamina and strength with regular exercises....start small may be 15mts in morning and 15 in the evening....increase 5 mts next week....but just start and be regular with it.....

Being healthy and living a healthy life-style is NOT AN OPTION. It is just not for covid! Covid just brought us face to face with reality of our immune system. Good habits once picked SHOULDN'T  be left again....Don't we drink tea/coffee first thing in the morning (though many studies have said it is bad for health!?)? It has become our life-style....so should be our exercise regime....

Don't wait for me or any other party to tell you that.....

The one who is not finding time to exercise for himself is telling the Universe : 

  • I don't mind falling sick. In fact, I want to fall sick. I want to experience the 'issues' that come by way of falling sick. I want the limitations that come with falling sick. I want those excuses to cry and feel the pain.
  • I want the pity from people when I fall sick.
  • I love to suffer.
  • I don't want to live life to the fullest.
  • I don't want to work to the fullest of my abilities and so want to fall sick so that I can use that as an excuse to not work.
Later when BP/sugar knock your door don't come crying "but maam, I was doing shield and still why did I fall sick?" - Wrong logical conclusion on your part here dear!!!

Wake up to your good self.....work out for your own sweet sake.....

Do you really love yourself? Do you really care for the people in your life as you think and say? Think about that!

wow moment! On receiving feedback!

wow moment! On receiving feedback! 

Received feedback on blog post - wow moment!

Have you experienced walking all alone with no sound from any where for miles on end....and suddenly you see a person or a hut even...wow moment!

When I ask questions, seek participation and receive no response - that is equal to walking all alone for miles without anyone beside me...and when I receive response it is like living in a world where others also exist......... 

also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=remember+-+by+christina

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind


Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind

Today, I was more disturbed than usual! I was irritated, angry and ready to burst either into tears or shouts if touched. Actually, I was so since few days. I didn’t even want to come to class today. But Rahul and Aziz being who they were talked me into it. I didn’t have energy to argue with them. So, I did the next easier thing – come.

But, as I entered the class, I found the vibe odd?! It was rare to find this vibe in this class. And yet….the air seemed heavy with anger and chaos. Was everyone carrying the same emotion today? I was to find it to be true very soon! Not in the mood for chit-chat I just sat in a corner – silent. Others also weren’t their usual good self today.

In came our Guru! She stood still for some time, looked around and smiled. Her eyes stayed at each face for more than few seconds. With a twinkle in her eyes she asked “All good?” before sitting down.

By the time she sat down most of us were all smiles. The air seemed light. I felt light. It was as if my burden had been removed. 


# Me, My Guru stories, on chattering of mind, control the mind, handling ego, energies, our presence and absence, anger, 

also read : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=you+are+successful+or+you+are+a+failure

Wow moment! On being normal!


Wow moment! On being normal!

Could write 5-6 pages today and my hand-writing back to good old days....wow moment!

I was finding it hard to write since so long and finally could do it.....

Isn't it funny that when we have something we don't even realize that it is 'miraculous' and then bam - when we lose it and get it back - we realize it worth?

What 'normal' things in your life do you take for granted?

How naive are we in conditioning our wow moments too? And then people ask me often "Have you experienced miracles in life?" This able to write was a miracle by itself to me. So I say, every day is a day of miracles for me....