Sunday, August 29, 2021

Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind



Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind

After an hour or so, Buddha asked him again to go and fetch some water for him. This time, being noon, no one was at the lake. It was calm. The disciple could get water easily. He gave it to Buddha to drink. Buddha thanked him and drank that water.

Then he asked the disciple “how come you could bring water so soon this time?”

The disciple asked “There were none at the lake. It was undisturbed. Water was so clear and I could get it immediately. Previously, because of activity of everyone the water turned muddy and was unfit to drink. With no one the mud settled and left water clean and fit to drink”.

Buddha smiled nodding his head and said “So it is with mind. Just leave it unattended. Don’t give attention to it. The chatter will settle down and go away eventually. Just wait. Don’t participate in its chatter”.

The disciple bowed down. He received the answer that he sought”.

Our Guru received a call and she left us.


# Me, My Guru stories, on chattering of mind, control the mind, handling ego, energies, our presence and absence, anger, disturbed mind

also read previous post : 

Sometimes I wonder if me giving these links is if at all useful to any? Why am I taking this extra pain and if this is just waste of time on my part? and yet.....

Whatever, the link given above clearly explains how and why we need to treat and behave with difficult people in our life especially so with our family.....the explanation is very clearly given as end notes in each of those to go through? If you are the one who is IN REAL SEEKING ANSWERS then you would.....those who want just a shoulder to cry and someone to pity them - well -  take your choice.....

happy reading!


Kshitija said...

I read yesterday’s post and had gone through the link and found the story of monk and the fish .
I usually read the comments under the post and found one written by me then sat on a thought about my state of mind when I wrote that and now then I understood the journey and your first quote in the picture of the blog post of yesterday.
So want to start the journey again .
Thank you for the links too

Reading the above story I remembered the same type of Buddha story written in the blog . Then I remembered your words everything is already written clearly in the blog .
Thank you for being the patient because you have set a new hole for me .

Supriya said...

Maam, the explanation and links at the end of the posts are actually very useful! I do look them up from time to time. The message in many blogposts can be used in many kinds of situations.

Thank you for taking the pains to help in every way possible, maam!


Kshitija said...

It’s goal not hole It’s autocorrect mistake