Sunday, July 31, 2022

Sadhan time Again!


Sadhan time Again!

Tomorrow i.e., Monday 1st Aug and 2nd Aug - let's heal the Earth as she requires healing so badly.....

The timings is 9-9.30PM. Just half an hour...

Those who can, just chant Mrutunjaya Mantram the whole of half an hour while sending reiki to Mother Earth. 

Those who can't sit at that time for any reason, chant 3 malas at any time of the day while healing the Mother Earth on these two days....

Those who want to, can continue to heal the entire week too......

Those who can't chant Mrutunjaya Mantra for any reason - just chant "OM Shanthi, shanthi, shanthihi" 


"chant Light Invocation"

which ever is easier for you....

You can share your experiences if any after this exercise.....

Saturday, July 30, 2022

On kindness!


On kindness!

Kindness is about lending our strength to the one who lacks it..... instead of giving the other what he deserves!

Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!



Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!

     Don’t just read this post in a hurry. Read it at least once daily for next 21         days.

Through the day’s activities, think about his post. See where it applies and how to apply it! See where we slip and how we slip. Don’t judge yourself for any slips – however many times it may be! Just accept. Understand why you are behaving in that particular pattern. Understand your thought process – understand where you are operating from. See where it is taking you.

And now, change the way you think, you handle and be ready to see ‘miracles’ happen all through the day. Here to you ‘earning’ your right to get what you want and ‘developing right attitude’ to enjoy and appreciate after getting what you wanted…..



# on daily mundane routine, spirituality and daily little nothings of life, life is a teacher, teaching moments during the day, on cleaning, entitlement, desire and deserving, wish and desire, wanting something, right and responsibilities, 

also read suggested : 

Question time :

How was this post useful to you?

What did you take from this post?

How are you going to apply it in your life?

What should we do for miracles to happen in our lives?






Friday, July 29, 2022

Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!



Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!

But we think we are ‘entitled’ to get what we desire!

We can think and desire whatever we want – that’s our ‘freewill’. But each one has to ‘earn’ it. No one owes us to fulfil our desire – including Reiki or Universe! When we receive blessing, healing or a boon – it is not our ‘right’. That is out of ‘mercy’ that we are given these things. Mercy is not our right! We didn’t do anything to deserve it. We can’t buy it. It is something that flows from Guru/God/Elders/Universe when they are touched by some word or act of ours which they are pleased with. We can’t manipulate that feeling by acting good or trying to say great words of praise to them! It is their love that manifests or expresses as ‘our blessing, boon or healing’. We are not ‘entitled’ to that. Read this 10 times. Get it straight. You’ll find answers to long pending questions. You

‘You’ll find cause of your anger, frustration and hated too'!!!

So, as I said earlier, I ‘earned’ my ‘me time to write blog post’ by fulfilling few of my duties and responsibilities. Similarly, we are here to do our duties! We do that by way of playing our roles in our life like that of son, parent, sibling, friend, student, boss and so on. Roles are not for us to ‘demand’ anything from others. They don’t give us ‘entitlement’ in any form. We are allowed to work our karma through playing our roles. So, the better and right we play these roles, the more we are allowed some perks like joy, peace, sense of achievement.


# on daily mundane routine, spirituality and daily little nothings of life, life is a teacher, teaching moments during the day, on cleaning, entitlement, desire and deserving, wish and desire, wanting something, right and responsibilities, 

also read suggested : 

Points to understand :

  • Just because someone is our parent, spouse, child, sibling or relative they don't owe us anything. We can't demand anything from them because of 'relationship' with them.
  • When we demand something in the name of relationship, it's time we check how we play our roles in various relationships.
  • We blow every act that we do in our relationships. We credit ourselves as 'good' and 'generous' based on our intention and words.
  • But we judge others based on their acts.
  • Look within! 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!



Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!

We want the freedom but not the responsibilities that comes with it. We want to do as we want. But, we don’t want to own up consequences of our freedom. For e.g.: we want to eat all that we want to all times and with no restrictions on quantity too. Good enough…but when we fall sick we blame God/Reiki or others for making us fall sick. We even go to the extent of saying “God/Reiki knew I would fall sick if I eat so, He shouldn’t have given me enough to eat”.

We want to travel and go to all places especially during this covid times. And yet, when we get Covid ‘others’ are to be blamed. Apply it everywhere and you’ll get the picture.

Similarly apply it to niceties of life that money can purchase. We want all the material comforts, luxuries and what not. We may not need them yet we want them! Zaroorat mein aur chahat mein bahut antar hat! Again, this wish is also ‘fair enough’ so far. But when we are jealous of people who have then it becomes a problem. When we are angry, sad, depressed, stressed that ‘others’ are not fulfilling this desire of ours – then it becomes a problem. Wanting things of this World is not the problem! Expecting others (be it spouse, parent, relatives, nation, Guru or God) to get it for you is the basis of one’s problems.

But we think we are ‘entitled’ to get what we desire!


# on daily mundane routine, spirituality and daily little nothings of life, life is a teacher, teaching moments during the day, on cleaning, entitlement, desire and deserving, wish and desire, wanting something, right and responsibilities, 

also read suggested : 

Points to understand :

  • When we desire let us be be open to bearing and facing the consequences of that desire coming true.
  • Every desire has a package of pain and suffering in it.
  • No desire ever comes with ONLY happiness and enjoyment with it.
  • When we accept this fact of life, then we'll not end up complaining about the situation which arose because of our 'desire' only!
  • We are not ENTITLED to receive anything and everything. No one is here to serve us! Just because we EXPECT AND DESIRE no body will stand by us to dance to our tunes!
  • Anything that a person or Universe does to us is a blessing - not our right! Let's get this straight first!

Sadhan time!


Sadhan time!Further


this exercise of sadhan was completed as of yesterday....

As ever I request you to share your experiences if any....

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!


Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!

I had a list of chores to be completed on my table – every day. It never was empty. The page was always filled. I am still to find a day when I need donothing’ the whole day. The ‘things to do’ was such a long list that it didn’t leave room, time and energy to do anything that I longed to do. Few of the things in the list were cleaning (something or the other was always pending), making some eatable – be it a pickle, podi (powder of various kinds used to mix in rice and to be eaten), savouries or sweet and so on. Even these two things were a ‘never ending task’ in my agenda. I hated it. Yet, there was no other option than doing them. At most, I could postpone it for few days – but it/they had to be done – finally!

Today, I decided to strike off couple of ‘to do’ activities from that list! Since I completed the task I felt I had earned my ‘me time’. These were the ‘times’ I used to write, type or post blog. Because, I consider writing blog ‘my guilty pleasure’. And I always feel that I should earn for my guilty pleasure – here it being – the most precious in the World – Time!

We all want to do things that give us pleasure. We want ‘to enjoy’ (the stress being on enjoy). We want the freedom to do as we want. That want is not much of a problem. But the understanding of that want is! 


# on daily mundane routine, spirituality and daily little nothings of life, life is a teacher, teaching moments during the day, on cleaning, entitlement, desire and deserving, wish and desire, wanting something, right and responsibilities, 

also read suggested : 

Points to understand : 

  • The 'list to do' is always filled and over flowing too many times. It never is empty.
  • This list is just not about day-to-day activities, but it also represents all the things we wish to do in our life - say like learning something, doing something, going somewhere, eating some place and so on...
  • This list is filled with our dreams, hopes and desires that we wish to experience, achieve and accumulate.
  • We assume that if we complete this list then we will be done, but it is never so. Once an item is struck off from this list, in its place two more items appear.
  • If we condition 'that when the list is empty' I will be happy and peaceful, then maybe that day will never come. 

The Mystic says!

The Mystic says! 

Accepting the boundary that the other has set is the minimum you can do to show 'respect, admiration, affection or even gratitude' for the person. This is the basis of any relationship. Being demanding can't be any form of gratitude. Arrogance says "I'll have my way" and that can't be reflection of 'ANY SORT OF GOODNESS' in YOU!

Your actions speaks LOUDER than your words!

You are what you do......not what you market yourself to be!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Milestone of posts - 2022


Milestone of posts - 2022

The lowest no. of posts per year has been - 59, 85, 113, 156...and as of now we have crossed 4th from lowest 156 mark. So we are ahead of year 2013 already with 159 posts already to this year's total....

Now the next milestone is 174 - of year 2009 (the year this blog was started) and the year 2019....As of now, this looks doable! Just 16 more posts and we would have crossed that milestone too!!!

That way we would be crossing two year's max mark! Let's keep our fingers crossed on that! Let me work for that as of now....

Monday, July 25, 2022

Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving


     Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving

Then talk to yourself with an intention to find out ‘about the problem’. Knowing ‘the problem’ and ‘about it’ is half the battle won! Then take necessary action for the same”.

Later she talked on other topics but I didn’t register any of them. Sometimes, one word, one thought, one sentence or a story says it all. I take just that for a day and plan to work on it. And it has borne fruit – always!

One gem collected per day made me rich on all accounts. Now, all I had to do was to ‘encash’ it. That, was totally my choice. It depended totally on me. And this is the reason why no two student who met benefited the same way!



# on talking about problems, consequences of talking about problems, karma, negativity generated, problems and solutions, healing the issue, finding solutions, life, beauty of life, facts of life, lessons of life, obstacles of life, life is not perfect

also read suggested : 

    Points to remember and understand :

    • Life is not about collecting stories, quotes or sayings...
    • All teachings come to naught if not applied.
    • Life gives us opportunities to put to good use all that we have understood (or atleast say we have?!). 
    • Unless we are able to apply what we have learnt, how will we know that we have learnt?
    • Unless we have opportunities to apply what we have learnt, how will we grow?
    • Unless we have opportunities to behave differently and act differently from before, how will we know we have grown?
    • So, to let us know of our understanding, wisdom, application of it in life we are thrown problems in our life.
    • Every time we treat a problem as an opportunity to express our growth, know you have passed the test. You have reclaimed yourself. You have learnt to live life. You have learnt the 'art of living'








    Sunday, July 24, 2022

    Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving



    Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving

    Apart from such persons, don’t talk about it to one and all – not even to yourself 10 times a day. If you need to think about an issue, then there is a way to do it.

    First, take out time and relax. Then look at the problem with an intention of finding a solution and a better way of handling it.

    Then once a decision or solution is noticed, act on it.

    Next be man enough to bear the consequences of your choice, action and decision. Everyone wants power but hardly people come forward to bear the responsibilities that come with power!

    The slips that can happen in this are  

    1.     when we sit to understand a problem we get carried away with our emotions. We don’t look at them from distance.

    2.     Hence, we tend to judge the situation

    3.     Result, we can’t see the solution

    4.     We question as to why it happened or didn’t happen in a certain way. Don’t do that.

    5.     We compare our situation with others’ and become jealous. Again we go on roller-coaster ride of pain and suffering.

    6.     We keep repeating to ourselves and to others as to how other is wrong. Our agenda is not about healing the situation. It is not about handling it. It becomes more of proving that the other is bad and cause of problem. Result – even if proven so, situation doesn’t change. So, we end up with this pain more than before!

    Avoid these pitfalls! 


    # on talking about problems, consequences of talking about problems, karma, negativity generated, problems and solutions, healing the issue, finding solutions, life, beauty of life, facts of life, lessons of life, obstacles of life, life is not perfect

    also read suggested : 

    Points to remember and understand :

    • When ever one faces a problem in life, instead of looking at it with complaints, anger and frustration, if one looks at it with love, calm and a desire to solve it, one will find the solution faster than later.
    • First overcome the irritation that you get when faced with a problem.

    Sadhan time!


    Sadhan time!

    Time to do sadhan once again - shall we?

    To all my "Warriors of Transmutations" this is a call for your participation once again - 

    Starting tomorrow - Monday 25th to Wednesday 27th - 3 days I am to do "Light Circle" from night 9pm - 9.45pm.

    Rules for the same :

    a. This "Light Circle" is being done for all those "Flood victims". Because of incessant rains people are facing lots of problems and suffering heavy material and life loss....Those who are moved by it and want to make a difference from within the four walls of their safe homes, let's come together to do Reiki ONLY FOR THIS CAUSE.

    b. People who are interested in doing ONLY FOR THIS reason can join the light circle.

    c. Those who can sit for ENTIRE TIME OF 9-9.45PM ONLY need accept and confirm their participation.

    It's ok not to sit or participate for the same. No one incurs any negative 'karma' for the same. But the person who comes and goes as he wants during the said period will be disturbing the flow of energy - and THAT my dear, is harmful in so many ways. And there one incurs negative karma. So, ONLY THOSE who can sit through the time need participate.

    d. Need to do during that time is very simple as ever. Just be with Reiki On and be chanting "OM", "Om Namaha Shivaya", "OM shanthi, shanthi, shanthihi", or equally simple 'namam' of your choice through the time.

    e. Please do Vastu healing before the start of "Light Circle".

    f. Light one agarbatti and also diya if possible.

    g. Sit preferably in a secluded place, instead of in front of TV or in drawing room.

    h. Charge your place if you remember the procedure.

    i. Wear comfortable clothing as you need to sit for all most an hour.

    j. Keep a glass of water beside you - just in case of thirst - you need to get up.

    k. Hold crystal in your both hands if you have any and wear a crystal mala if you have it.

    l. Pref. have your dinner and sit so that your family is not put to inconvenience because of our sadhan.

    m. Enjoy the process and get back with your experiences as ever!!! 

    Saturday, July 23, 2022

    Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving


    Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving

    Our Guru said “Don’t go around telling one and all about your problems. The more number of people you talk about your problem – be it your spouse, career or desire that much of negativity you create with regards to that issue. Result – longer it takes to heal that issue. So, if you want to heal an issue, reduce talking about it to as many people as you can. In fact, stop talking about it completely”.

    “But we can’t ma’am. We need to tell at least few. We need to talk about our problems” said one among us. But that voice represented most of our thoughts.

    “Then tell only 4 types of persons –

    1. One who wouldn’t judge you for that

    2. One who wouldn’t use it against you in future

    3. One who supports you by understanding you and your problem – even if he can’t give you a solution

    4. One who gives you a solution –

    A. But this person shouldn’t have any personal agenda attached to your problem

    B. This person should be impartial.

    C. This person should have clarity of thought

    D. He should have your good as the only thing in his agenda 


    # on talking about problems, consequences of talking about problems, karma, negativity generated, problems and solutions, healing the issue, finding solutions, life, beauty of life, facts of life, lessons of life, obstacles of life, life is not perfect

    also read suggested : 

    Points to understand and remember :

    • Every one has his own set of problems. It's just that some take time to help others solve theirs inspite of having more problems in their own life!
    • Just because someone is smiling, happy or helping others doesn't mean he hasn't any problems. Don't be jealous of such people if you come across one such person. They have the ability to smile 'in spite of their problems' in their lives.
    • Talking about one's problems to one and all actually increases the the time period one has to live with it or in finding the solution.