Thursday, July 28, 2022

Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!



Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!

We want the freedom but not the responsibilities that comes with it. We want to do as we want. But, we don’t want to own up consequences of our freedom. For e.g.: we want to eat all that we want to all times and with no restrictions on quantity too. Good enough…but when we fall sick we blame God/Reiki or others for making us fall sick. We even go to the extent of saying “God/Reiki knew I would fall sick if I eat so, He shouldn’t have given me enough to eat”.

We want to travel and go to all places especially during this covid times. And yet, when we get Covid ‘others’ are to be blamed. Apply it everywhere and you’ll get the picture.

Similarly apply it to niceties of life that money can purchase. We want all the material comforts, luxuries and what not. We may not need them yet we want them! Zaroorat mein aur chahat mein bahut antar hat! Again, this wish is also ‘fair enough’ so far. But when we are jealous of people who have then it becomes a problem. When we are angry, sad, depressed, stressed that ‘others’ are not fulfilling this desire of ours – then it becomes a problem. Wanting things of this World is not the problem! Expecting others (be it spouse, parent, relatives, nation, Guru or God) to get it for you is the basis of one’s problems.

But we think we are ‘entitled’ to get what we desire!


# on daily mundane routine, spirituality and daily little nothings of life, life is a teacher, teaching moments during the day, on cleaning, entitlement, desire and deserving, wish and desire, wanting something, right and responsibilities, 

also read suggested : 

Points to understand :

  • When we desire let us be be open to bearing and facing the consequences of that desire coming true.
  • Every desire has a package of pain and suffering in it.
  • No desire ever comes with ONLY happiness and enjoyment with it.
  • When we accept this fact of life, then we'll not end up complaining about the situation which arose because of our 'desire' only!
  • We are not ENTITLED to receive anything and everything. No one is here to serve us! Just because we EXPECT AND DESIRE no body will stand by us to dance to our tunes!
  • Anything that a person or Universe does to us is a blessing - not our right! Let's get this straight first!

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