Sunday, July 24, 2022

Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving



Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving

Apart from such persons, don’t talk about it to one and all – not even to yourself 10 times a day. If you need to think about an issue, then there is a way to do it.

First, take out time and relax. Then look at the problem with an intention of finding a solution and a better way of handling it.

Then once a decision or solution is noticed, act on it.

Next be man enough to bear the consequences of your choice, action and decision. Everyone wants power but hardly people come forward to bear the responsibilities that come with power!

The slips that can happen in this are  

1.     when we sit to understand a problem we get carried away with our emotions. We don’t look at them from distance.

2.     Hence, we tend to judge the situation

3.     Result, we can’t see the solution

4.     We question as to why it happened or didn’t happen in a certain way. Don’t do that.

5.     We compare our situation with others’ and become jealous. Again we go on roller-coaster ride of pain and suffering.

6.     We keep repeating to ourselves and to others as to how other is wrong. Our agenda is not about healing the situation. It is not about handling it. It becomes more of proving that the other is bad and cause of problem. Result – even if proven so, situation doesn’t change. So, we end up with this pain more than before!

Avoid these pitfalls! 


# on talking about problems, consequences of talking about problems, karma, negativity generated, problems and solutions, healing the issue, finding solutions, life, beauty of life, facts of life, lessons of life, obstacles of life, life is not perfect

also read suggested : 

Points to remember and understand :

  • When ever one faces a problem in life, instead of looking at it with complaints, anger and frustration, if one looks at it with love, calm and a desire to solve it, one will find the solution faster than later.
  • First overcome the irritation that you get when faced with a problem.

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