Friday, July 29, 2022

Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!



Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!

But we think we are ‘entitled’ to get what we desire!

We can think and desire whatever we want – that’s our ‘freewill’. But each one has to ‘earn’ it. No one owes us to fulfil our desire – including Reiki or Universe! When we receive blessing, healing or a boon – it is not our ‘right’. That is out of ‘mercy’ that we are given these things. Mercy is not our right! We didn’t do anything to deserve it. We can’t buy it. It is something that flows from Guru/God/Elders/Universe when they are touched by some word or act of ours which they are pleased with. We can’t manipulate that feeling by acting good or trying to say great words of praise to them! It is their love that manifests or expresses as ‘our blessing, boon or healing’. We are not ‘entitled’ to that. Read this 10 times. Get it straight. You’ll find answers to long pending questions. You

‘You’ll find cause of your anger, frustration and hated too'!!!

So, as I said earlier, I ‘earned’ my ‘me time to write blog post’ by fulfilling few of my duties and responsibilities. Similarly, we are here to do our duties! We do that by way of playing our roles in our life like that of son, parent, sibling, friend, student, boss and so on. Roles are not for us to ‘demand’ anything from others. They don’t give us ‘entitlement’ in any form. We are allowed to work our karma through playing our roles. So, the better and right we play these roles, the more we are allowed some perks like joy, peace, sense of achievement.


# on daily mundane routine, spirituality and daily little nothings of life, life is a teacher, teaching moments during the day, on cleaning, entitlement, desire and deserving, wish and desire, wanting something, right and responsibilities, 

also read suggested : 

Points to understand :

  • Just because someone is our parent, spouse, child, sibling or relative they don't owe us anything. We can't demand anything from them because of 'relationship' with them.
  • When we demand something in the name of relationship, it's time we check how we play our roles in various relationships.
  • We blow every act that we do in our relationships. We credit ourselves as 'good' and 'generous' based on our intention and words.
  • But we judge others based on their acts.
  • Look within! 

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