Friday, September 30, 2016

on judging!

Don't judge someone on the grounds that they sin differently than you!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

In the end it doesn't matter how many breaths you took.
What would matter is 'how many moments took your breath away'.

Each one of us has just '24' hours in a day! Unfortunately it is same every day of our life! What makes one life different from others is how 'rich we are with moments that took our breath away'?

Be very stingy when it comes to the quality of breath that you take...
Be committed to make it 'special' and a 'wow moment' to you...and you don't need that 'special' person or 'thing' (like house, promotion, good boss/colleague, money, or an ideal place or time) to make it 'special' for yourself....

Decide to 'drop precious moments' each day in your 'time bank'.
Yes. Treat Time as a bank where you have opened an account and make a commitment to yourself that you would deposit atleast a dozen of 'wow moments' in that account at the end of the day...

don't try too hard....don't be tensed to create one too! just be!

A wow moment need not be a ' perfect moment' or a 'good moment' (I mean the way it is usually defined).

For eg. you have a meeting an important one and you need to go in time. You are caught in rain and traffic jam and your dress has gone for a toss! Now can you make that a 'wow moment'?

If yes, you have learnt the 'art of living' and 'art of celebrating life'.

Let us look at one more situation that can be converted into 'wow moment'.

You meet someone after long gap and you are very happy to meet him and run /walk with excitement to talk to him and he turns around, looks at you and says 'God you really have put on lots of weight/ you really have lost your looks/ what's happened to you?' or similar (insulting/hurting ) statement. Can  you make that a 'wow moment'?

Will give few such moments when you can turn them into 'wow moments -

when someone comes up to you and says -
...heard about your loss. (financial/job/death ) . how did it happen? how are you coping with it now? how are you managing?
....heard that your child's not getting 'right alliance'. why so?
don't you want to get your child married? not looking for alliance for your child?....etc...
....heard you had a divorce...what's the reason?

all such similar situations we want to say 'oh, shut up' i don't want your 'empty sympathy' and we usually lose our cool/ peace of mind/get hurt and feel bad and depressed......but the name of the game is to celebrate life 'inspite of and even in these situations'. Then don't you think we can have more of wow incidents in our lives........

share your responses or 'how you handle this situation to convert that into wow moments' ........if you haven't faced it then suggestions as to how to handle it better......

decided to celebrate life .........i can't let others ruin it for me!

forget about now!
celebrate now!
make this breath 'take away your breath moment!'

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Me, My Guru - On perception


I received an urgent call and had to leave immediately. I silently got up and left without making much of commotion. I silently signalled her that I am leaving and she nodded in silence. Having received her permission, I left the session half-heartedly.

At the start, i.e., when I had recently met her and when she answered thus I would get irritated. I would think “What did I ask and what is she talking?” It actually took lots of sessions with ‘her’ and others to overcome that ‘irritation stage’.

Next, I experienced a stage where I started accepting her way of answering. Even here, I didn’t understand her answer though. Lots of healings later, I developed a faith that she would give what I ‘needed’ though not what I ‘wanted’ most of the time.

Now after 20 years of association with her and years of hands-on, meditations and many more hours of other healing and counselling sessions, today I can see that she doesn’t answer the question, she answers the person.

She has been the same always!

But healing had helped me to see her same act in better light over the years. I developed clarity of thought and perception that helped me to see the ‘Truth’ is correct light. The reason for which I used to get irritated with her, now I see it as her love for us. I see her hard-work and pure intent. I also can see where other ‘masters’ come from and where she comes from. And this perception spilled over my other relationships too and that has affected my relations in general with everyone.

So truly said “You can’t understand a person if you see that person topically or based on one issue. You need to know the intent”.

She had said like a million times “The whole is more than sum total of all its parts put together”. Now I get a glimpse of it. As long as I tried to understand her acts I was wrong – almost always. But the day I worked on my perception, I could see everything so clearly. The work in this area has just started. I need to work lot more yet. And still the results I got are amazing. Not surprising that all scriptures shout from roof top to correct attitude of ‘perception’.

I had my methods to carry on this healing and I had promised myself to become more sincere in t his work.

Now the shift has happened. It’s no more of judging her, knowing her or questioning her. It had become internal. I have gone inside from outside. When and how it happened I don’t know. But my anger on her this time really did me ‘good’. How? Well that’s for other time, I’ve now reached my office and I need to focus here for now..........


Friday, September 23, 2016

Me, My Guru - On perception - Bhagavatam


“Man’s character is tested in a given circumstance ONLY”.
We can go to any lengths to prove Rama and Krishna right or wrong. It doesn’t make an ounce of difference to both of them. I can go around defaming Koran or Gita. It doesn’t affect both the scriptures. Both these characters and scriptures are not at our mercy for their validation. They don’t require us. We require them to guide us, to give us direction and insight and show us a ‘possibility’.

I am not here to prove to you that Krishna is an Avataar. My belief is mine. You are free to choose your belief. But, I am here to talk about a ‘possibility’ called Krishna – An Ideal who is a perfect blend of karmayogi and Gnanayogi; A master statesman, house-holder and a man who lived all his roles to perfection and yet was an epitome of detachment. Every relation was lived to give love to the other. He didn’t expect anything from anyone. As statesman he didn’t take any post and yet worked for the welfare and safety of Yadavas. He was ever favourable to the ‘righteous’ and a yogi who was realized. He is a ‘Perfect Possibility’ that can be lived in this ‘big bad world’.

He was not God because he did miracles.
He did miracles because he was God!

There is a huge difference between both these sentences.

We can argue, cry and plead helplessness saying ‘he had powers so could face problems’. No he had ‘qualities like love, piety, forbearance, humility, selflessness, detachment, hard work, clarity of thought, wisdom and knowledge of right and wrong’ and they gave him yogic powers. Anybody who develops these qualities can also gain these yogic powers. But if anybody develops these qualities to receive these powers, he wouldn’t get them. Now that’s the paradox and there lies the catch. So, reading ‘his stories’ is to understand the qualities that made him ‘who he was’. We get to know the qualities that we need to develop to raise our potential to the fullest.

“I’ll get those qualities if I get power”. No, my dear, it doesn’t work out that way. You develop those qualities and then you get those powers. There are no short-cuts there”.

Padma brought tea and we had tea break. Aziz had got some biscuits that he distributed to all. The break was meant to be of 15mts.


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Me, My Guru - On perception - Bhagavatam


You can never understand someone just by looking at their behaviour in couple of situations. Two acts externally may look similar but one is committed by the sinner and the other by the Saint. The act doesn’t make them good or bad people. 

Their intention and reason to act makes it a sin or a noble act.

For example:

In situation A, I hit a person because he is not behaving as per my desire/I hit to get him to do my work/to usurp his belongings/because he insulted me.

In situation B, I almost killed a person to save a girl’s modesty.
In situation B, I’ve committed a bigger crime but it is not considered one as the act is to save a girl’s modesty. There is no personal gain there. Yes, I will be punished by law of land but in actuality, that girl and others who know the truth would praise me, thank me and respect me.

Whereas in situation A though the harm inflicted is less, the crime is bigger as the intention is wrong. People who know the truth will never respect, trust or praise me. Of course law may give very small punishment or sometimes no punishment for such crimes, but that doesn’t mean I am not a criminal when I commit such crimes.

At the same time, one can’t argue saying ‘if killing a person is fine to save a girl’s modesty, killing someone who insults me or troubles me is also right’. Right example in the wrong place doesn’t justify ‘wrong answer’. One can argue such cases and even behave like-wise. But it doesn’t become ‘right’

That’s all!

In these situations, if you just look at court’s ruling or look at the acts committed you would no doubt think Saint to be a sinner and a sinner to be a Saint. Only when you know the complete picture what you ‘see’ of that person would be ‘right’. Till then, though you may argue based on facts and figures that you have, you are never right. Unfortunately, you’ll presume yourselves to be right when you are completely wrong.

Similarly acts of great people if seen topically can be interpreted to our whims and fancies and we can pain them with colour of our choices. It’s just that the whole exercise would be not only waste but can drive us towards wrong understanding and thereby effecting our rational thinking altogether – which is ever so dangerous.

“Man’s character is tested in a given circumstance ONLY”.
