Sunday, September 4, 2016


This is known to many in letter but when it comes to application, many fail to apply it! No doubt our actions don't give us the results that we seek!

We are ever governed by our senses which lead us wayward .........We see, hear and understand that which pleases our senses and our conveniences.........we don't take pains to listen and see 'right' and in the process are left with data (which we presume to be 'good enough' ) to take decisions that leave us high and dry. And we are cursing our fate, others in our life, God and Gurus for not giving us what we 'deserve' or 'want'!

We judge others by their 'behaviour' and 'actions' and ourselves for our 'intentions'. No doubt others are always 'bad' and 'wrong' and we end up being 'good', 'right' and 'poor' person who is at the receiving end of others 'badness'.!

One whole life time is lost and we haven't learned the right lesson of 'seeing' and 'hearing' right!

All that counts and matters is only 'seeing' and 'listening'.

If we were only little bit cautious and sensible enough to work on these abilities! If........... 

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