Monday, September 19, 2016

Me, My Guru - On perspective - Bhagavatam

Me, My Guru

On Essence – Perception – Bhagavatam

Today there was no Rahul to force me to ‘Bhagavatam’ class. Yes, it was a class. It was not just one more discourse on Bhagavatam. It used Bhagavatam to teach us ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ management. Inner meant ‘how to deal with our nature and heal it and transcend it’ and ‘outer’ meant people -management and issue-management. We flipped in so many situations. She used Bhagavatam to teach us to handle those issues. Otherwise, it was something that we all grew up hearing and reading in India. We didn’t need to attend ‘a class’ for it. But the way she took that story, elaborated points in it and applied it to our life situations was very informative and also like ‘Tips on crisis management’. So gladly, today I went to attend this class after enrolling for it yesterday. Previously, I would feel the pinch whenever I had to pay the fees but not now. This time even that thought didn’t cross my mind.

Not that, I had ‘forgiven’ her or something. Dynamics of my relationship with her did certainly change. For good or for bad, I didn’t know. But I felt more relaxed and at peace and so I presumed that it was good that happened. Well, being among the first few in the class, I sat in meditation. It was well past 1/2an hour before I opened my eyes. Others had poured in and ‘she’ was in her place ready to start.

But even before she could start someone asked “Krishna stole curd, butter and milk. He is a thief and called on too and yet he is called ‘God’. Rule for all is ‘marry one and be faithful to that one’ and yet he had eight wives and yet glorified as God. Forget about vanquishing enemies, he didn’t spare Ghatotgaja (son of Pandava Prince Bheemasena) just to protect Arjuna from the wrath of Indra’s weapon. He was master-manipulator. With these many qualities falling short of divinity, how can one accept him as God? And why should he?”

She smiled and taking the fold of her saree in one hand she started her explanation “I’ve told this story many times before. So, it is possible most of you’ve heard it from me before too. Others may have read it elsewhere. Yet listen carefully once more because this story explains the point needed to understand here like no other story.

In a small town were five friends who were born blind. It so happened that they were taken to a circus one day where they met an elephant. Wanting to know it, each one went around it and touched it. Because, they were blind, they could understand something or anything only with their touch and that feel.

One said “wow, this elephant is so huge and round” he was touching its stomach.

The other said “no, no. It is long, rough and soft”. He was holding its trunk.

“Ofcourse not so!” exclaimed the third “It is thin and hairy”. That was the description of tail that he was holding.

The fourth one touched ears to give a totally different picture and fifth felt everyone was wrong as he was holding on to its feet.


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