Saturday, May 4, 2024

On being regular in sadhan!


On being regular in sadhan!

I feel I have failed to explain the importance of regularity in healing – maybe I have. Otherwise, most of you would still be regulars in doing Reiki and thereby would have found your piece of Paradise by now! 

You may ask “What are you going to do about it?”

I would say “Simple! Since I have done all within my power, I’ll rest in Reiki. I’ll meditate again and more to find a better way of explaining this point. That again will result in a few more posts in this regard. That will hit some mark! And then again, I’ll meditate. I’ll again come back with more explanations. This way, I’ll keep improving the way I am writing and explaining. Good for you, good for me!



# sadhana, being mindful, being aware, disturbed mind, calming the mind, regular in sadhan, 

suggested read of previous post to know why to be in sadhan regularly 

Friday, May 3, 2024

On being regularly irregular in sadhan!



On being regularly irregular in sadhan!

Take one more analogy – when a drug addict or any addict for that matter decides to overcome addiction, he does so with a little effort and becomes successful. But, when he goes back to addiction, then, second time to overcome addiction becomes much more difficult, painful and time-consuming than the previous time. The next time, body and mind have become strong enough to override our will easily. So, is the case with sadhan!

I hope it is clear as to how and why sadhan should be regular if you don’t want to fall into this trap.

This way, I mean spiritually it is painful and wrong to stop sadhan! Not wrong the way you assume it and get angry and justify your stand!!!

Hope a few of you got your answers to your long pending doubts! With this new understanding, we need to see if we still stick to our old ways of doing sadhan or change to a better way of leading our life!



# being irregular in sadhan, sadhan, drawbacks of indiscipline and perseverance in sadhan, success and failure in spiritual field, 

Read related post




Thursday, May 2, 2024

On being regularly irregular in sadhan!



On being regularly irregular in sadhan!

It is like this. When you take an antibiotic for any infection, you need to complete the course. But some stop taking antibiotics halfway thinking what is the use or need as the symptom or disease is gone. This makes the cause; the virus more powerful next time it attacks the body. Then, the antibiotic becomes useless. Then we need to use a more powerful one. This goes on for some time and then even steroids become ineffective on the person. Result – death which could have been delayed if and only if he had taken the complete course every single time. 

Similarly, when a sadhan stops sadhak’s attitudes and psychic impressions that were addressed because of sadhan come back with a vengeance. This will happen to everyone, however long they have done their sadhan, once they stop their sadhan. Just like, if a person does exercises regularly and stops, then his fat would come back. The Body will store fat with a vengeance. It will bloat and very soon the body will become sick. Similarly, when we are healing we are healing our attitudes little by little. But, till final enlightenment, no one’s attitude is completely healed or done away with. That means, those attitudes have just weakened but not dead or gone away completely. So, when we stop the sadhan, they regain their strength again and become stronger.

This time when you come back to sadhan, it becomes more difficult to address the same disturbing emotions as to previous time. Check the past! Without an exception, everyone will agree. Then, our battle becomes more strenuous and painful for us. And that’s why people find it difficult to carry on with sadhan next time. The first time it seemed like a cakewalk, but not the second time!


# being irregular in sadhan, sadhan, drawbacks of indiscipline and perseverance in sadhan, success and failure in spiritual field, 

Read related post 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

On being regularly irregular in sadhan!



On being regularly irregular in sadhan!

The Next point is “Is it wrong to not do sadhan or take a break from sadhan?”

Technically, the answer is NO!

Then, what difference does it make?

After all, you come back to sadhan when things go wrong, right? (and there too people talk as if that is also a great favour done to me!!)

Understand this here – ethically, legally, and socially you are not bound to do sadhan. You are not committing a crime by not doing sadhan.

Then, what is the problem?

Understand first, why are we doing sadhan in the first place?

If the answer is just, to keep things going in life, fine, you can move on to other posts!

But, for those who are here with an understanding that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for all that is happening in your life, you also have understood that YOU NEED TO CHANGE for the better to change the things and people in your life. Then, whenever you give a break, then things and people are going to go back to their original or painful way of being. When you know by being in healing, it can be avoided, the pain can be avoided, why let it surface in the first place?


# being irregular in sadhan, sadhan, drawbacks of indiscipline and perseverance in sadhan, success and failure in spiritual field, 

Read related post

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

On being regularly irregular in sadhan!


On being regularly irregular in sadhan!

People usually say with a limp giggle “but maam, I again want to start sadhan. I want to be regular this time. I have understood the importance of sadhan now.”

This almost everyone says like a million times. And they assume themselves to be good. They presume there is nothing wrong with this. One more statement that people always tell me is “Ma'am, I want to do sadhan at my pace” that in short means, I will do only sadhan enough to get my material benefits. I don’t want to heal my attitude and change my character as of now!

Now, let’s look at one statement at a time.

First is giving a break to sadhan regularly. Of course, everyone has his or her own excuses. Let me explain this once and for all! You don’t have to give me lame excuses for not being in sadhan. It doesn’t make a difference in my life if you do or don’t do Reiki. It makes a DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE and attitudes. You need to understand that first! That you are doing it for your own good. You are doing reiki for yourself and to mend the weeds off your life! 

The Next point is “Is it wrong to not do sadhan or take a break from sadhan?”

Technically, the answer is NO! 


# being irregular in sadhan, sadhan, drawbacks of indiscipline and perseverance in sadhan, success and failure in spiritual field, 

Read related post 

Points to ponder:

Read the COMPLETE link though I may have given just the link to a single-day post....

read the images too - they too have your answers........they are given to clarify your doubts too....

read the comments too......and read also explanations given below the posts if any..

Monday, April 29, 2024

Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field



Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field

Remember this ALWAYS – YOU NEED  those services in your life. And so you are dependent on them. They don’t need you. Stop going if it is so painful paying them” Our Guru went to attend to someone while we were left to ourselves.

We didn’t like her answer. It hit us. NOW we also saw that this attitude is the reason our work goes unappreciated both at home and in the office. We found our problem areas. We also found ways to fix it. And yet our anger was directed towards her – as most of times!

We had a long way to go!

“Giving” was a big lesson as she always emphasized. And it was something we all lacked both in learning and living. And unfortunately, unless we learn to give right, we won’t be able to receive right. We wouldn’t be at peace with ourselves. And our karma wouldn’t reduce. She had told us so many times and yet…..yet we chose to be who we are! 



# on receiving and giving, on payments made to others, how to payment, payment mode, financial abundance, 

read related posts on this topic   

Question time :

How was this post useful to you?

What is your take or understanding from this post?


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field



Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field

Our Guru continued “So you see, you are not paying for just 12 an hour of their time. You are paying for the knowledge that they earned over the years. Behind that ½ an hour of consultation is years of sadhan and hard work.

Appreciate that!

Respect that!

Understand that!

Next, did they force you to go to them? 

No one does!

You go on your own. Why?

Because of your fears and insecurities. And once you get their view or advice, suddenly it dawns on you that your going there was unnecessary. Now, who is greedy, money-minded, selfish and manipulative? And who is being accused of those traits?

Look within! Look into your intentions.

Look at your behaviour and conduct.

Look at your dealings.

And then, accuse others of their wrongs.

If you think they are charging more, don’t go.

People also come to Reiki class, get benefits and while paying say words like “All my money is going towards paying your fees. How can I save maam?”

I tell them not to come to class.

No, they want to come, benefit and call me names and then go scot-free without paying. So, remember, if you feel some fees are high, don’t utilize their services. 

But, if you do then don’t crib, complain or taunt while or after paying fees.


# on receiving and giving, on payments made to others, how to payment, payment mode, financial abundance, 

read related posts on this topic