Saturday, July 31, 2021

On life lessons!


On life lessons!

What lesson did life teach you today/last week/this month /year?

What did you understand from the link given above?
How can that be applied in one's life?
What is the benefit of using /applying that understanding in our life?

Friday, July 30, 2021

wow moment!

wow moment! 

Saw couple of crows on the terrace....after very very long time.......and they were cawing moment!

On being busy!

On being busy! 

Let us make our life easy.

Let us make it romantic.

Let us make it worthwhile.

Let us make ourselves count.

Let us become so busy loving others, loving our life and loving Nature and God that we have no time to worry, regret, fear or drama. 

Let us give some thing for worry to worry!

Thursday, July 29, 2021




The first step in spirituality is 'loving self'. That is the first hurdle that each one of us need to overcome. 

Just this step takes ages to overcome.

Lots of people seem to love themselves. They are proud of their actions and words. But it is only apparent. It is not real. They don't and can't love themselves unless they get to know themselves. One who is not truthful with self in the first place, how can he love himself?

Why can't one be truthful with self? Because he is ever trying to fit into the 'image' that he has created of self. This image he is ever trying to protect, project and create. He has created it and yet assumes it to be true. And so he is desperate to protect it. He is ever trying to project it to others. He is marketing himself day in and day out. However good and best be his image, it is not him. And so even his image is praised and loved, he knows it is not 'him' and so feels unloved and unappreciated. 

think about it!!!

# spirituality, reality, self love, Truth, happiness, suffering and pain, God, fear, ego

also read : 

points to be taken :

  • Know the difference between religion and spirituality?
  • why do we have to be truthful to ourselves?
  • What is that which stops us from being ourselves?
  • Do we really love ourselves? If we do, how come we hide our real self from everyone and even ourselves?
  • Are we ashamed of ourselves? If we are, then how come we still hold on to the values, principles, attitudes, qualities and character that brings about that shame to us?
  • Why not express that which cannot make us feel bad/low of ourselves?
  • Who decides how we should be? What causes us to express ourselves in a certain way?

wow moment !

wow moment ! 

Music heals like nothing! Just listening to good old songs - wow! let this moment be for ever! This moment is for ever!

Start of the day!


Start of the day!

However late you get up, however busy you are start your day right!

Don't start your day by looking at your phone or TV.

Instead start by looking at the sky (while we still can!?), listening to birds singing, sunrise or just playing with your kid in bed. It need not be for hours, just couple of minutes also is good enough. 

Start your day this way and see....

Don't let this thought create tension in you. Just go outside and be with nature - drinking your morning cup of tea/coffee....

If you are the one who doesn't drink any beverage good for you, have a glass of warm/cold water (honey added being optional) and enjoy your drink....this is for you to enjoy the morning ....don't do it as a 'oh, God, one more do to job..'

do it for just 3 days and get back with your feedback......

# small things matter, right start, good and bad days, mindset, perspective, attitude, 

further read on similar topic : 

Points to take :

  • All it takes sometimes is to make a right start.
  • A right mindset can alter the course of the events.
  • When the mind is in happy or calm zone it handles every eventuality in a better way.
  • When the mind is agitated even a small things go off handle and then bitterness seeps into every mood, act of ours.
  • Situations don't cause us to be bitter. Our state of mind when we face them makes us bitter or better persons. 
  • Think about it!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Clarity of thought!


Clarity of thought!

I am not who you think I am!

YOU ARE who you think I am!

Reflect on this....and get back with understanding!




God is present everywhere. God is in everyone. In saint it is manifested fully. And all others it is a possibility. And that includes you too!

That possibility becomes reality only when you let it express itself. And for that you should step aside. In simple ways make ground for the 'Divine' to manifest. Develop qualities that are godly - patience, selflessness, being Truthful, honesty, purity, dedication, concentration, being active........

Shun every character that takes you away from your Divine Self like selfishness, laziness, lying, manipulating, greed, lust, jealousy, envy, postponing.....

Why live like beggars when you are the heir apparent to the kingdom of heaven?

also read : 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Fact about the world....



Fact about the world....

Embrace it. The sooner we let go of conditioning it the greater are we available to live life fully.

The only thing certain about life is it is totally uncertain. 

The only thing that is certain about change is it is bound to change......

The only thing that is permanent about life is its impermanence.......

And as long as we seek happiness of 'ever lasting one' from the thing of impermanence we are bound to feel sad, unhappy, dejected and fail miserably.

Only One who is permanent is the soul. As we shift our consciousness towards it we will experience happiness. AS we work more and more from soul agenda more and more we become successful and achieve more in less and less amount of time. 

# change is inevitable, constant, impermanence, lasting happiness, suffering, cause of pain and suffering, clarity of thought, seeing, facts of life, life, beauty of life, purpose of life, death, 

(notice how the same topic has been covered many times before and many years before too.....and yet the need for it comes up again and again.....this is so because we don't tend to remember all that we read. Unless practiced and absorbed into our system we haven't understood it at all...that's true of every Truth and teaching....we don't know who becomes eligible now to receive this teaching?!? and to them if it is given again (which they usually don't remember) then it is easy for them to apply it or understand it......)

Points worth contemplating :
  • If everything in the world is changing then what is that ONE that is not changing? 
  • What is that which is constant in life and world?
  • What is the permanent which needs to be known and desired in this world that is ever changing?
  • If everything is impermanent then what is the purpose of this world?
  • How to overcome suffering and pain caused by impermanence?

Monday, July 26, 2021

Fact about the world....


Fact about the world....

Everything in and of this world follows one rule for sure - "CHANGE".

No two days are same.

No two moments are same.

All factors being same too, it is not same. For eg. now that most of the people have experienced being at home and working from home. We have been confined to the four walls for long periods of time. People in the house - that being our family is same. The members of the family are same. House is same. Our work is same. And yet, look back at the past year. No two days were same. All the factors - people, place, things etc were same and yet.....

People have complained of it being boring and same. But it only looked so because of how we looked at it. We wore the glasses of conditions. We felt 'happiness' is going out. We defined happiness as shopping and travelling. We define being in the crowd as 'good'. And since we missed all that we defined as 'good' and causes of happiness, we felt we were missing out all the fun. But it was not so!

We must have realised that we don't need to shop most of the things in our life. We could live without the usual purchases. We could eat at home and yet be fulfilled. 

Every day being the same, yet it came out with different results from each home. Each family have come out differently in the past year. Just look around. That is the beauty of life. It looks same and repetative and yet the change is happening slowly and steadily and one day the change is huge to notice. 

But as our mind wants to hold on to pleasant time and is averse to bad times, it creates friction and calls it fear. But good and bad times keep changing from one to another. Pleasant and unpleasant news/time keep happening one after the other. The impermanence of life is the beauty and rhythm of life. 


# change is inevitable, impermanence, facts of life, truth about life, pain and suffering, acceptance of the reality, pain, life,

read further on this topic : 

Those of you who are going to read any post of the above given link, give your feedback on the post you have read so that it would be easy for others to check it too.......

Questions addressed :

  • What is change?
  • What is the only thing which is constant in life?
  • Why we suffer change?
  • What is the reason for fear and suffering?
  • What is the cause of pain?
  • How change effects us?
(Hope all of such questions are understood ..)

Wow moment :
An old favourite played on the! The surprise that comes with wow feeling of hearing my favourite song.......simply wow!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

On happiness, love and life.......


On happiness, love and life.......

Where fear is, love is not.

Where love is not, happiness is not.

Where happiness and love is not, peace is not.

Where there is no peace, there is  no harmony.

Where there is no harmony or balance, there is fear.

Where there is fear, love is not.....

Meaning only when fear ceases will we experience perfect happiness and perfect love.

Many say 'in love there is fear' WRONG! If there is fear it is not love, it is attachment. And where there is attachment, there is fear. And from it comes anger, irritation, expectations, conditions, sleeplessness, fights, frustrations and what not! 

So use every technique taught to you to overcome fear.

Whenever a situation arises, fear pops up. Don't think situation is responsible for the fear. NO. Situation is just a mirror reflection what we are made up of! So don't work on easing the situation. Work on fear. That way by the time situation is addressed, we would have come out of it as a stronger person than before. Then that situation was good. It served its purpose and we used that opportunity to better ourselves.

Know this. Understand this. And work on transcending the fear. Overcome fear and you have won it all!

Then to win the riches of the world is child's game.

previous posts on similar topic:

Questions addressed :

  • How to heal my fear?
  • "Tell me how to heal my situation. If my situation becomes conducive to me i'll no longer be afraid" .
  • "He has so hurt me that i ended up hating him. This is his fault isn't that i have become so bitter?"
  • How can I find love in my life?
  • Why can't i experience love in my life?
  • This hate in me is killing me. Help me to overcome it....
Points to be understood :

  • Choose love over fear always. It is not easy. It doesn't happen overnight maybe. But keep healing. keep practicing and lo! one day it becomes your nature and you no longer need even try doing live it effortlessly...
  • As long as you hate yourself you can't love anything and anyone. Look within. Find why you hate yourself. Find where your hatred for self is coming from. Then address it. Heal it. Face it. Accept it for the start.
  • Work on loving yourself and loving life becomes easy.
  • Love yourself and living life becomes effortless.
  • All healing is just about loving self. 
  • Loving self doesn't mean 'demanding things of the world' for self. 
  • As you learn to love yourself bit by bit, miracles keep happening more and more in your life. 

Wow moment : 

Listened to song of yesteryears......simply wow!

Question time :

What do you mean when you say "Happy Guru pournami " ?

Further on Guru pournami


Further on Guru pournami

Those who are not happy with "doing sadhan again" ( doing chanting) can just relax and skip this post. 

Those who don't want to do chanting but are restless that they will miss some benefit that others who are doing will get, go to the last para typed in pink*.

And all those who don't know Hanuman chalisa/MM don't worry or get tensed. Relax! Why fear when I am here? Just chant "Om Gurubhyo namaha!" atleast 21 malas per day.....I think this is doable...😂😂😂

Everybody - which ever chanting you are doing, those who can do pranayama do it for atleast for 5mts before/after chanting. Those who find it difficult or can't do pranayama for whatever be the reason, just do deep breathing - slow and deep for 5 mts.

Having (incense stick) agarbatthi lighted would be better. Do vastu healing too if you have patience and time. Smile before you start chanting and close it with a smile. You are not in war zone to be tensed while chanting. Enjoy the ride! Have a glass of water beside you. To the water you can add misri (patika bellam/rock sugar) if you please. You can also have lemon juice or any other juice while you chant. Sit in a comfortable position. Take a break every half an hour and walk for atleast 5-10mts before resuming. 

*Don't worry. You can do something different from others. You need not do any chanting or any healing. Just for the entire week do the following or similar activity/activities atleast for 15mts twice a day. 

  • Watch sunset/sunrise/moon/stars/sky
  • Watch birds fly/any animal
  • Do gardening or be with plants/trees
  • Talk to a childhood friend/close relative you have lost touch with over the years but were close during your childhood.
  • Read a book/poem
  • Listen or sing songs/music
  • Dance/paint/draw - any hobby of yours
That's all you need to do for this entire week. Enjoy!

Wow moment : 

Whenever I see a feedback (it may be a question/query, experience shared, understanding shared or just a random comment...) i feel wow! 
Today, i found a comment - wow!

Thank you everyone who has in the past too shared a comment. Thanks for giving me so many wow moments! And some of those comments became instrumental for some lovely posts being written - double wow to such reiki channels.......keep writing....keep me engaged........and keep giving me wow moments........

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Guru Pournami


Guru Pournami

Today being Guru Pournami, let's come together to thank our Gurus for all that we received both by way of material benefits and for all the experiences and understanding that we have had in our life. This journey of self-awareness had been very rewarding. It has enriched us with better clarity of thought, better understanding of ourselves and our life. We have come to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of our life and relationships. All thanks to our Gurus. Their words and guidance has been the torch bearers of our path since the beginning and for all the years to come. 

Let us sit together once more to thank them for all that we are, we have received and for what they are!

Let us for next five days starting today sit to chant -

Hanuman chalisa 21 times per day and on the last day 24 times thereby completing 108 times in 5 days....(this way your routine wouldn't be disturbed a lot...) You can chant 24 times on any day convenient to you....By the fifth day we would have completed 108 times of chanting HC...

Some of you don't know HC, nothing to worry just chant MM. You can do this japam say 5 malas per day or any number convenient to you.....

If any of you are too busy with your routine then take the entire next week and complete the set chanting by next sunday - no issues.....

it is not about the time and no. of times you chant but the intention and the realization of what we have received and how much Gurus are doing for us.......

read related post on this subject : 

# on guru, guru pournima, guru's role, discipleship, 

This week sit in meditation with following questions:

  • Who is my Guru?
  • What does Guru mean to me?
  • What is the role of Guru in my life?
  • What are my expectation I have from my Guru?
  • What do I seek from a Guru?
  • What did I receive from him?
  • What did I give him?
  • If I don't have a Guru, then which quality of mine is stopping me from receiving him in my life? Why do I still have it? How is it beneficial to me? Why am I still holding on to it?
  • If i had a Guru and let him go, why did I do that? What was the reason behind my words and actions? 
  • Do I need a Guru? Why do I need a Guru for?
Ask all the questions and atleast few of them and sit in meditation. Find the answers. Jot it down in your journal. 

The sun shines again! wow moment!

However long may be the rain, sun always comes up! Remember that ALWAYS!

Listen to your words!


Listen to your words!

Sometimes, it is not what you say that matters but how you say it!

Before defending self, listen to yourself when you are calm and go through your words. Maybe, the way you wanted to say, the thing you wanted to say came out the wrong way. Maybe, it came out in way different than what you felt or wanted to convey.

Accept it and say what you want to in a different way. It is all that easy when you own up your actions and words. Don’t justify your words or actions. Your relationship is much more worth than your words and actions. Realize that and lo! Most of your suffering just vanishes….


# mindfulness, being aware and alert, beingness, ego, relationships, pain and suffering, on words and actions....

also read :

Tip for the story : 

Apply the philosophy of Buddha in the story with and in every relationship be it as a parent, kid, friend, employee, employer, relative - in short as a human being in every and each relationship.....the cause of the problem goes away and the effect of the problem too goes away.....

 What did you understand from the link given above?

Where are you going to apply it?