Tuesday, July 20, 2021

On growth and effect of healing!


On growth and effect of healing!

One who ‘sees’ where his problem is when he looks within has lit the light of ‘clarity of thought’. One who realizes that fault is within but struggles to correct it are many. Keep working. Keep healing with consistent. You’ll reach clarity of thought faster than it seems to you. Just be with it!

But the ones whose mind is making them adamant and not letting them see reason are the ‘brave heroes’. Their journey is long and tedious.

Any 80% student can get 90% if he puts in little more effort. Any 60% student can score 80% with under teacher to guide and right incentive to make them work. But the student who gets marks in single digits – even if he gets 50% his journey is commendable. Such a student I’ll sing praises of again and again in my life story.

This is the student who uses every person in his life to material benefits. And his ever going complaint for suffering is “…but I don’t have XYZ in my life to love etc…” Poor child! He never can love anyone – not even himself. He can only use people for his personal gain and to fulfill his physical and material fulfillment. No doubt he is ever lonely crying!

But, dear one – don’t lose heart. Keep healing. With all the anger and hatred keep healing.  It may take years even to go one notch up in right direction – yet keep up the good work – boring it is and yet keep healing. The sun rises for all – remember that!



# growth due to healing, growth in healing, healing, attitude, change of character, no healing goes waste.....

Point to be noticed :

  • Never ever compare your growth with any other person. 
  • Comparison only brings pain.
  • Compare yourself of yesterday with today! Just keep looking at your own growth. That will give you clear picture of your journey and achievements.
  • People who start with more luggage than others are bound to go slow in the journey. It takes them more time to unload themselves. Don't feel bad if you are one of them!

  • Keep working - keep healing and most important take pride in being in sadhan inspite of all the pain this process gives you. Yes, knowing and accepting one's own flaws is the most painful and difficult task on Earth. Your courage helped you to keep walking till date. Hold on to it. Hear others cheer for you as you tread this path.
  • Whatever is the attitude you choose to drop or pickup - that's your call. Don't look at others or their choices. You work as per your pace and choice. Just don't compare the results also with others. That's all!
  • No sadhan ever goes waste. Now that you have reiki and a supportive environment utilize it to the fullest. Don't stop. Don't let this opportunity of self-healing go by. This sadhan doesn't give you benefits just for this life - but it effects all of your future lives too! so be with it!

Listening to birds chirping as I am posting this......it's like having a background music while I work......wow!

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