Saturday, July 3, 2021

On rain!


On rain!

Remember, not every rainy day holds in it the promise of a 'rainbow'.

We don't look for rainbow every time it rains!

Many of us don't even notice 'rainbows' when it appears.

May be, we have watched rainbows only 1 out of 10 times it has shown up! Sad isn't it?

There are no rainbows for every rain that drops down. And yet, rains are important nay essential for our existence. 

Similarly, every disturbance in our routine, life, with the people in our life represent that 'rain' in our life.

Every event that is distasteful to us is the rain in our life.

It may not bring 'rainbow' with it. But it has a purpose and it is essential for our existence. We can't ask for 'reasons' and look for 'benefits' with every single rain in our life!!!

We need to understand that every rain is essential for the ecosystem. So it is with life. Every event has a reason. Not necessarily with a 'rainbow' tagged to it. But it still is important. (Rainbow in life means the benefit from the event that happens in our life)

The sooner we get this, the sooner we accept this, the sooner we see this the sooner will we rejoice with the unfolding of our life drama.

Otherwise, our complaining mind is going to take us on a ride with accusations in the form of questions like 'but, why did it happen?' etc....

and for the mind to rest in faith we need to develop clarity of thought. That comes with years of practice and sadhan. So be patient. Keep practicing self awareness and heal self with reiki. Clarity of thought will come in layers. It will bring with it faith. And that will give us wonderment! And lo! we see that the 'Sun rises and Sun sets!'.

We learn to appreciate rain. We learn to dance in rain. We know rain is good! That knowing says our mind has become our friend at last!

# on challenges of life, facts of life, joys of life, rain and sunshine, good times and bad times, 

also read suggested : 

(The link that I have given has lots of posts in it. Not everyone may have time or patience to go through them. Which ever post you have gone through and if you find it useful or you get something out of it, just share it with others so that they can go straight to that single post at least and get benefited along with you...)

Questions addressed :

  • Why do we have problems like ill-health, death or unforeseen circumstances in life?
  • Why can't I just have 'good times' always?
  • Why can't I be happy always?
Points to be taken :
  • Every season has its role to play in maintaining the balance of our life. Every season is required for us to survive.
  • Similarly, we need every type of situation in life to help us grow. We all would wither away with boredom if life was just the same every single day. Take time to meditate on this possibility. Imagine life being same every single day for next 3 months. See how you feel at the end of the meditation.

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