Friday, July 9, 2021

On disturbances in life and their place in our life


On disturbances in life and their place in our life

So long as an animal is petted, he reacts nicely. But the moment he is antagonized he rebels. The whole violence in his nature comes forth.

So it is with man. As long as things go smooth, he assumes he is happy. The moment one of his family member behaves against his taste or like he is disturbed. In case of external disturbance like loss of finance or job, pandemic or any such event, man will find himself shaken up. His balance is found lost. He struggles due to these disturbances of life. And they in turn bring out fear, pain, confusion and anger in him. It is then that some men realize that they are disturbed not because of ‘the facts of life’ but because of the conditioning. 

Yes, we condition everything in life. Look at yourself. Look around you. Everything about you is conditioned. You have conditions for everything and everyone in our life. For eg: we condition – a. how our children are to behave, talk, walk, read, eat and even achieve in life.

‘We want our children to be genius’! say many. We want!(Stress is on WE WANT). We treat them as if they were our puppets/dolls and are to behave as we please. We don’t see them as ‘individuals’. Our complaint with our parents was that they controlled us and our lives. We are no better with our kids. Isn’t it?


# everything happens for good, ups and downs of life, challenges of life, facts of life, life, good and bad times, failure and success, pain and suffering, disturbances of life

also read suggested : 

Questions addressed and points to note :

  • What is with disturbances in life that causes fear, pain, anger and anxiety in us?
  • How to use disturbances to our benefit in life?
  • Disturbance is not caused by the happenings of our life, they are the result of conditions we lay upon the happenings of life.
  • We define our life and expect it to go as per the script we have in mind. But life happens on its own.
  • Every life has struggles, challenges, problems. It's your state of mind that decides how you face them.
  • You can never ever expect or have a life without any disturbance in it. That is the fact of life! (Yes, even cursing God/Guru is not going to make it go away!)
  • Reiki quota doesn't make life easier. It only gives you strength to face the inevitable. It makes you sensible enough to see a solution where you think you have a problem. It opens you to express the beauty of life in all its colours. It aids you to taste various emotions of life with wonderment and a sense of joy and balance. It sends help in the form of people when the situation seems unbearable or when you seem stuck with an issue in life.

Covid Challenge :

I am sure you all are still up with Covid challenge. Don't get to old habit of laziness. Keep working on your physical well-being. Not because your body is the most important thing. No, because with healthy body it is easy to maintain healthy outlook on life. Clarity of thought comes easy in a healthy body. You'll be able to fulfill your life agenda with a healthier life style than with a unhealthy one!

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the post .
This post has helped me to work on my day and has given me a strength .
It gave me the much needed dose of guidance as blog is my guide my friend .
I was doing my covid challenge intermittently but since one month I have been doing it regularly .
Blog is like a counselor to me when ever I feel low it gives me the strength to be balanced . It says do your sadhana live it to reiki .
It repeatedly emphasizes reiki is there with me .
Each days post gives me a new understanding of me my self .
The blog and reiki have taught me to count my blessings .
every word written is very true help is sent in many ways . Previously I felt sad as my expectations and conditioning from one person made me ignorant .
But now its a different case .
Thank you reiki , Thank you guruji, thank you blog .