Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Fact about the world....



Fact about the world....

Embrace it. The sooner we let go of conditioning it the greater are we available to live life fully.

The only thing certain about life is it is totally uncertain. 

The only thing that is certain about change is it is bound to change......

The only thing that is permanent about life is its impermanence.......

And as long as we seek happiness of 'ever lasting one' from the thing of impermanence we are bound to feel sad, unhappy, dejected and fail miserably.

Only One who is permanent is the soul. As we shift our consciousness towards it we will experience happiness. AS we work more and more from soul agenda more and more we become successful and achieve more in less and less amount of time. 

# change is inevitable, constant, impermanence, lasting happiness, suffering, cause of pain and suffering, clarity of thought, seeing, facts of life, life, beauty of life, purpose of life, death, 

(notice how the same topic has been covered many times before and many years before too.....and yet the need for it comes up again and again.....this is so because we don't tend to remember all that we read. Unless practiced and absorbed into our system we haven't understood it at all...that's true of every Truth and teaching....we don't know who becomes eligible now to receive this teaching?!? and to them if it is given again (which they usually don't remember) then it is easy for them to apply it or understand it......)

Points worth contemplating :
  • If everything in the world is changing then what is that ONE that is not changing? 
  • What is that which is constant in life and world?
  • What is the permanent which needs to be known and desired in this world that is ever changing?
  • If everything is impermanent then what is the purpose of this world?
  • How to overcome suffering and pain caused by impermanence?

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