Sunday, July 25, 2021

Further on Guru pournami


Further on Guru pournami

Those who are not happy with "doing sadhan again" ( doing chanting) can just relax and skip this post. 

Those who don't want to do chanting but are restless that they will miss some benefit that others who are doing will get, go to the last para typed in pink*.

And all those who don't know Hanuman chalisa/MM don't worry or get tensed. Relax! Why fear when I am here? Just chant "Om Gurubhyo namaha!" atleast 21 malas per day.....I think this is doable...😂😂😂

Everybody - which ever chanting you are doing, those who can do pranayama do it for atleast for 5mts before/after chanting. Those who find it difficult or can't do pranayama for whatever be the reason, just do deep breathing - slow and deep for 5 mts.

Having (incense stick) agarbatthi lighted would be better. Do vastu healing too if you have patience and time. Smile before you start chanting and close it with a smile. You are not in war zone to be tensed while chanting. Enjoy the ride! Have a glass of water beside you. To the water you can add misri (patika bellam/rock sugar) if you please. You can also have lemon juice or any other juice while you chant. Sit in a comfortable position. Take a break every half an hour and walk for atleast 5-10mts before resuming. 

*Don't worry. You can do something different from others. You need not do any chanting or any healing. Just for the entire week do the following or similar activity/activities atleast for 15mts twice a day. 

  • Watch sunset/sunrise/moon/stars/sky
  • Watch birds fly/any animal
  • Do gardening or be with plants/trees
  • Talk to a childhood friend/close relative you have lost touch with over the years but were close during your childhood.
  • Read a book/poem
  • Listen or sing songs/music
  • Dance/paint/draw - any hobby of yours
That's all you need to do for this entire week. Enjoy!

Wow moment : 

Whenever I see a feedback (it may be a question/query, experience shared, understanding shared or just a random comment...) i feel wow! 
Today, i found a comment - wow!

Thank you everyone who has in the past too shared a comment. Thanks for giving me so many wow moments! And some of those comments became instrumental for some lovely posts being written - double wow to such reiki channels.......keep writing....keep me engaged........and keep giving me wow moments........

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Just finished 108 chants of Hanumaan Chalisa. Throughout the sadhan I felt how blessed I was to have all my gurus. I wish them and their family to be blessed abundantly!

Also want to mention: Last year when we were to chant 10 malas of MM per day when covid started, I felt that it was a huge task. I was feeling overwhelmed with the changes at work due to covid and the chant target. After talking to maam I realized how I can manage everything. When I started following her instructions, I was able to complete all my tasks and chanting effortlessly. It was just a matter of a change in my mindset. When I took control of my mind, set my priorities right and was determined to do it at all costs, the universe kept clearing my way for me to finish my tasks smoothly.

Now whenever I see such a task come up, my heart rejoices. I like doing it. I am able to spend my time in paying my gratitude instead of spending it on tv, or unnecessary socializing, or playing games or thinking of who said/is saying what, or simply procrastinating. I can feel the energies clear within me. It is worth every second I spend on it.

Thank you ma’am for setting these goals from time to time! It has been a blessing for me!

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!
