Sunday, July 11, 2021

On disturbances in life and their place in our life


On disturbances in life and their place in our life

In the process we miss out on their growing up. We stunt their growth. Yes, in the name of expectations, our dreams and conditions, we don’t let them express themselves right. Our kid is not a trophy that we need to show the world. 

Let us bring up a confident kid. Give him freedom and trust him with decisions. It is easy to make life comfortable for our kids. Instead make him strong enough to face life's ups and downs with calm. 

Let him be ‘best version of himself’. Every child can’t be Abdul Kalam (Scientist and former President of India), Pandit Ravi Shanker (World renowned Sitarist) or a Shakuntala Devi (Maths genius). But every child can be best version of himself.

Give atmosphere conducive for that expression. Don’t rush him into growing. Don’t force him to be what you desire him to be – ‘a genius’. Just let him express himself!

Look into every relationship and the way we deal with it. Look into how we define them. See what we expect out of every relationship. Then you’ll see ‘the condition’ that rules our relationship.

All these conditions are our ‘sensitive spots’. A little jolt in these areas and we go mad! Just look into it. Meditate on it. Look within. Look around. The problem is not with or people and events in our life. The problem is the way our ‘conditions’ rule our life.


# everything happens for good, ups and downs of life, challenges of life, facts of life, life, good and bad times, failure and success, pain and suffering, disturbances of life

Questions addressed and points to be noted :

  • What are the conditions we place on our kids?
  • What is the effect of those conditions on our kids and our expectations?
  • Look into conditions in every relationship and the way we express our conditions in every dealing of our life/
  • Heal the conditions and become peaceful.
  • Free yourself of the conditions and see the abundance of energy that you experience with that freedom. Now you are rich with more energy to focus it to chase your dreams and desires of this world too!
  • Conditions rob us of our energy. They cripple us with fear, pain, worry and anger. By healing conditions and becoming free of it, you are unplugging those areas from which your energy, enthusiasm, zest for life, happiness and love are getting dissipated from you and your life.
Spiritual Tip :

For next 11 days, share one 'wow' experience in the blog. It can be as simple as 'saw a butterfly/sunset', played with kid/pet, listened to a song, took a long walk etc. Spend time with nature, near and dear one or with oneself. Just relax for at least 15mts and see. 


Supriya said...

Today’s wow experience: today my son tried a home made ‘street food’ (a healthy version) and loved it. It moved me because he has tried market brought ones before but neither appreciated it nor ate more than a spoon. I used to think that he did not have a liking for it. Today’s dish was an experiment in the kitchen by me and it worked well. It felt good!

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!

Kshitija said...

My today’s wow experience is being with the person important in my life with out any grudge in heart

Swati said...

My wow moment is
After making my son sleep I told my husband to make milkshake for m. Without saying any word he made it. And it was really tasty.