Sunday, April 12, 2015

Ravana and his weaknesses


However powerful, knowledgeable a person be, if he cannot keep his weakness at check he has to meet his end in the hands of simple mortals like human and monkeys as in the case of Ravana. Our weakness itself becomes so powerful an ally to our enemy that we lose the battle even before it is waged. We lose because of ‘who we are’!

Being religious, traditional and a bhaktha cannot redeem our karmas and come what may may we have to bear the consequence of our actions. He sought ‘Greatest Shiva Bhakta’ label and he earned it from Lord Shiva. He presumed with that he has become invisible. He can do whatever he wanted to and get away with it. It was not so. He was dearest to Lord and yet his sins were not overlooked. Nobody’s is. So, imagine our plight! We are not even that great a bhaktha (devotees). So, where is the question of not reaping our karma aka sins come from?

So doing pooja, going to temple doing japa is useless? No. but with that we should also pray that we may in exchange be given clarity of thought, wisdom to see the right from wrong, courage and knowledge to know Dharma and to walk on it, humility to accept our follies and love enough in heart to overlook other follies. When we seek such attitudes in exchange to our Sadhan, we become better person with very passing day. Otherwise, we usually seek material benefits in exchange for sadhan, you’ll get it and yet you would be where you were – may be more arrogant like. Ravana who sought to be unconquerable by Devas, Yakshas, Gandharvas and other celestial beings left humans and animals out thinking it too demeaning to even mention that he needed protection from them. With the boon that he got in exchange for thousands of years of tapas (penance), he became arrogant with power. Instead he could’ve asked to be redeemed of his karma, sought liberation, asked to be blessed with the mind that was filled only with the thought of Lord – but no, he sought material benefits. So sadhan is not at fault. But, what you seek in exchange for it decides your character and fate.

Both Ram and Ravana reside in each one of us. Whom do we given into express himself is the question? Everytime I let my lust, desire, temptation decide I let Ravana in me express. Everytime, I restraint my lower desires, renounce it to a higher Idela, I let Rama express through me. If you are a true Rama Bhaktha, then bring out the Rama in you – everytime. Killing or hurting people whom you think are not followers of Rama well that is not an act of Rama or Rama Bhaktha.


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