Friday, April 3, 2015

Do your duty and leave the rest to God!


Now that we’ve addressed the reasons and fears that delay, stop and decide our decision, let’s know what we can do to work on our decisions once we take them.

·         Do intention reiki

·         Do re-birth meditation with fear, confusion

·         Do reiki that you are given strength to take decisions and to stick to them.

Last but not the least once decision is taken, don’t sit on it. Just do it!

Dreamers were never successful.  All achievers are the doer’s. so do it! No one can take that for you. You have to do it only you own.

What if I face problems in this path? What if I fail?


Just look at the brook, it just flows in the direction that opens up in front of it. If a boulder stands in front of it, it goes around the boulder and yet flows. It doesn’t stop to crib, complain and analyse about the boulder. It doesn’t sit there arguing with boulder to prove that it is doing wrong by being a block to it. It doesn’t sit to transform the boulder. Learn to let go and take a diversion in case of need from the brook. Learn flexibility from it. Just as its target is to reach the sea, yours should be to move towards your goal – whatever it is. It doesn’t sit to calculate the distance to sea and worry about the time taken to reach it. It doesn’t say “now, I’ll flow at this speed but there in the city I may be blocked by a dam, so what’s the use of taking up this journey.” It doesn’t worry about all that. It just flows. It faces the situation as and when it crops up. Always remember between the strength of the rock and the persistence of the stream, the stream wins – always. It is very delicate before rock yet it wins with its simple attitude – persistence. It’s a very good and important quality. Learn it from brook.

Many rivers get dried up in the deserts en route to sea. But still it keeps flowing from its source towards the sea continuously. Don’t bother about the goal. We can only do our best and let events unfold on their own. As Krishna said in Gita “karmanye vyadhi ka rasya, maa phaleshu kadachana” Do your actions and do not be bothered about the results”.


So arise awake and rest not till the goal is reached!

Men didn’t become inspirational stories because they worked for it. They become so because they followed their heart, dream and worked to make it come true!

Don’t search for inspirational stories. Create one!


1 comment:

Madhumita said...

Thank you for sharing this. Read it again after years and got a completely new perspective 🙏