Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Ravana - The highly talented



Hearing this shloka Lord Shiva, the Lover of music lifted his toe and Ravana came out from under the mountain. That shows how great a poet he was!

This not only shows that he was a great devotee but also throws light on his literary prowess.

He was born ‘Dasakanta’ but was named ‘Ravana’ by his dear Lord, Shiva and hence that name stuck with him.

He was an author of ‘Ravana Samhita” an authority on astrology. Infact when his son Meghadoot alias Indrajeet was born, he commanded all the ‘navagrahas’ (planets) to be in excellent position so that his son could become immortal though that didn’t happen, it goes to prove his knowledge and authority on astrology.

 He possessed thorough knowledge on ayurveda and even today a mountain in Srilanka named after him has rare and very special ayurvedic herbs and plants on it. He was an expert in political science (statescraft) and that’s why Rama sent Lakshmana to learn it from the dying king of Lanka – Ravana.

He was well versed in Vedas and hence called Ravana Brahma – an exponent on all the four Vedas next only to Brahma. Till date we don’t have other person of that caliber. That’s the knowledge he had.

(most of these points I’ve already discussed and explained in the class though).

He was an expert musician and Lord Shiva was pleased mainly by his music. He is the father of veena called ‘Ravana Veena’. This proves his mastery over arts too!

He was so powerful that he vanquished all devas and took control of ‘Indralok’ too and took ‘Pushpak vimana’ (celestrial aircraft) of Lord Kubera. He had nature at his beck and call and sun would rise and set at his whim and fancy.

But what a pity! Man who could control and who had won whole of nature couldn’t have control over his own and that made all the difference. This is one lesson we need to learn from him. One who had whole world in his hand had to go empty handed at death. So, instead of spending all energy and life-time, in desiring, amassing and protecting things of this world and its inmates, work on self and win over your nature to become immortal. Self-restraint is the key to owing it all! Sounds paradoxical but true! He possesseth it all who owns none! 


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

An eye opener indeed.