Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ravan - know him in toto!



With so much of power, strength, knowledge and opportunity too, he did not force himself on Sita after abducting her. He kept pleading her, threatening her, cajoling her, enticing her and wooing her to marry him but he did not force himself on her. With such power and such strong passionate desire for a woman who was his captive, he had self-restraint beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals. There in lies his greatness. Inspite of his devilish intentions and nature he had his great qualities too! Some  state that it was because of a curse that he would be reduced to ashes if he touches a woman against her will while others give credit to Sita’s purity. All said and done, we can not forget that he was an asura king and he had magical powers which he could’ve easily used to fulfill his desire. Don’t underestimate his capabilities. Yet he choose to win her over was something commendable. 

Every man can learn from him with regards to this quality. Men who are of no good by way of looks, achievements, abilities, knowledge, power or having just a little of it molest woman at will and justify that the woman provoked them to by her looks, dress, life-style, character etc. a truly strong man doesn’t use his strength on woman – whether at home or outside. Infact, he is no man who does it. He is devil incarnate only in the garb of a human. His lack of good brought-up, circumstancs, frustrations, being drunk – nothing can justify his actions. When the Lord of three worlds – Ravana did not use his power, position and opportunity to molest a woman who was his captive – no one can find or give an excuse of circumstances to justify his actions. So real asuras are these men who use their strength on women and they cannot be pardoned for their sin – be them a juvenile or old person. They have to be punished severely whatever be their office and shame on people who support these people in the guise of their profession or in the name of ‘human rights’. These people are more sick and dangerous than the actual culprits. Those who justify the acts of rapists and finds fault with the girl who’s been raped are bigger culprits and they have to be ‘counseled’ and treated for ‘mental problem’.


Indrajit flying over golden lanka

Ravana was just and able ruler. His subjects just loved him and his rule was so efficient that Hanuman found precious jems and gold everywhere in Lanka. Just the description of Lanka and the palace of Ravana is so poetically grand done by Sri Valmiki in his Ramayan that it mesmerizes the reader and transports him into a world of beauty and grandeur. Hanuman was surprised at the richness of Lanka and he even mentions that the whole city was artistic beyond belief. There was no poor person in the kingdom and people knew no sorrow. They were very happy and that’s why two rakshasas after his demise decide to avenge his death and in the guise of washerman and woman bad mouth about Sita.

He was brother par excellence and that’s why they loved him so much and were ready to give up their life him. His son, Meghdooth, himself a great achiever and very powerful hero -worshipped him. That proves that he was a very good father to his children.


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