Saturday, April 11, 2015

What does Ravan's life teach us?


What do they teach us?

1.      His lineage teaches us that genes could give us or create best of atmospheres but how we use them depends on us completely.

“If a rishi – that too Sapta-rishi’s grandson can have such weaknesses, then my family doesn’t even have such strong lineage, no doubt, my weaknesses are so many”. This is NOT the inference we make here. I know how wonderfully people infer such stupid statements from these facts. Instead see this way – “If Lineage can give me abilities but the attitude at the end of the day is entirely my own doing and choice. No one is responsible for that”. And right from I degree I am stressing that Attitude is everything.

And that attitude is in my hands and since it’s my choice I need to choose very carefully. My fate depends on that that and I can’t compromise on my attitude since that’s basis of my character. Whenever you are given a choice between choosing attitude and comfort or luxury, choose attitude – Always! Because only that thing matters and that’s only thing that would be with you even in your next life. It affects your next life too. So work only on your attitudes. Nothing else matters really!

2.      Knowledge however much accumulated if not turned into wisdom that’s ingested into character building, its waste. In fact, that itself becomes bondage.

“Gnanam Bandhanath” Shiva sthuthi. Knowledge itself becomes a bondage that would bring about our downfall. An ounce of realization and experience is worth more than all the knowledge put together. And that experience comes with sadhan and working towards dropping negative qualities and developing positive qualities. Power and knowledge mean nothing if it doesn’t teach us to ‘love’. It’s waste if it doesn’t make us selfless, humble and doesn’t teach us renunciation. Renunciation is the highest of all qualities that should be developed at all costs and in all fields and by all and at all times. The epitome of that was Lord Rama and hence he is ‘Purushottama’ and the one who lived life ‘king-size’ but didn’t learn to spell renunciation was Ravana. His life shows that inspite of being a bhaktha, one can be cruel, selfish, womanizer, greedy, power hungry, arrogant, in satiated in short demon personified. This is greatest of all lessons that his life teaches. How much power, fan following a man has is not important if his character is in doldrums. Basis of character is ‘Dharma’ and renunciation is the important ingredient on which Dharma is based.


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