Friday, April 24, 2015

Was Ramayana Destined?


What do we get to know from these 3 cases?

a.       In mother Sabari’s case, did the rishis know that Rama would be banished and if so why they mentioned only Lakshmana and not Sita? So did they know about Sita’s abduction too? Such questions seem redundant when put to Siddhas who could ascent to ‘worlds of their choice at their will’. Knowing such small (prediction) fact was nothing for them. So many of my second degree students (who are in regular sadhan) have had a sense of receiving a call or news before hand so many times. With so little sadhan when people can know so much, the sadhan of these Siddhas was beyond our imagination. So knowing facts of future was no big deal to them.

b.      The same applies to Rishi Gautama who predicted Srirama’s coming to that forest and ashram sixty thousand years later.

c.       Shri Vishnu promised to kill Jaya, Vijaya in each of their births.

Does all this mean that it was destined to be so?

In that case Ravana was not wrong. In fact, we need not find fault with any of the wrong doer. Because, he’ll quote Ravana’s case and say “even I am supposed to hurt you/cheat you/ exploit you” and get away with the crime. Can you all let these wrong – doers get away with their wrong doing? To let a family member with his indiscipline is next to impossible for us! Can we let go off people who exploit us?

This can’t be taken like this. Destiny it is. Agreed. But not the way it usually is understood. Then what is it? In your theory of Ravana behaving as per ‘destiny’ there is a question I would like to ask. So, end of Ravana was inevitable, all others behaved in a way to let this event happen. That means in the entire Tretayug all the souls were working only with this agenda. They didn’t have any of their personal agenda. Right? Then, where is the question of morals, Dharma for others to follow and there is no chance of Moksha for all these souls too! Doesn’t it sound baseless? Can a creation work on this agenda only and this way? 



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