Friday, April 10, 2015

Ravana - The Antagonist?


He is seen as an antagonist of the Epic Ramayana. By ‘labeling’ him that way we are missing out on he purpose of his existence and his creation – be it real, mythical or imaginary. So, don’t ‘label’ him as the ‘villain’ of Rama’s life. He is not. In fact, don’t label anyone for that matter. 

Please refer posts dt: Friday, July 31, 2009,also refer topic dt:3/5/09 and 12/3/09, Tuesday, October 28, 2014, Thursday, October 23, 2014 to understand why?

Forget about wanting to know if he really existed or not. Forget about knowing his intentions. Forget about justifying, analysing or condemning his act. Just look at his life, his actions and observe with a blank mind the cause and effect of one’s actions. What are the observations that we can make from all the above given information:

·         He was greatest of Shiva Bhakthas certified so by none less than Lord Shiva himself.

·         He had nature at his beck and call. He was so powerful.

·         He was artist par excellence.

·         He was knowledge personified. Ultimate in knowledge is Vedas and he was exponent in all four Vedas.

·         His lineage was one of the best. His father Visvaran, was one of the greatest of Brahmin Rishis, whose father was Rishi Pulatsya – one of the 10 Prajapathis (mind born sons of Lord Brahma) and one of the Sapta-rishis directly created at the start of creation.

That means he was grandson of a ‘Prajapathi’ and one of the Sapta-rishi on paternal side. With regards to his maternal side, his mother was a Daitya – an asura princess Kaikesi – daughter of Daitya king (Asuras or demons were called Daityas) who was very powerful.


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