Monday, December 31, 2018

Year end of 2018


Year end of 2018

Now coming to ‘year end’ – do we see it as ‘an end’ of this year or is it the ‘beginning’ of new year?

Because, if we see it as an end (or for that matter of anything in life) then it is painful and letting go becomes difficult and heavy! But if we see it as a new beginning, there is hope, expectations, joy and celebration. Think about it! 

So how do we see it as?

As an end of as a new beginning?

Neither! See it as a continuation – like a serpent eating its tail! A circle – a circle of life and events! Come to see of it - Every end brings with it a new beginning. Just go back and look at your every end that you suffered then! Your school, college or a job – you suffered because it ended but it also brought with it a new beginning that you cherished and loved later on. Isn’t it?

End of childhood – youth

End of youth – adult life

See it in various situations and with various people. It is same. The happy person is one who accepts this as he knows this to be the fact of life and moves with it and embraces the ‘new’ with joy and openness instead of being closed and fearful of the new. Be it situations or people every new change will bring with it new dynamics and new way of working, living and thereby growing and learning opportunities. Resist it and suffer the process. Fear of change is the cause of this resistance. But a flexible mind and heart doesn’t demand the ‘same’ old way of living and experiencing from the new. Where is the suffering then?

Think about it!


and lastly, what are the milestones you wish to cross this coming year?

(also read previous posts :

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Year end of 2018

Year end of 2018 

‘Year end’ - Once again the time has come for this period of year!

And what an year it had been!

Time to say good bye this year and celebrate the coming of next year! 

Goodbye carries with it packet full of promises kept, resolutions held on to, dreams lived, relationships mended, joys and achievements celebrated, memories made. 

With the success tales are some dreams unfulfilled, persons and hope lost, resolutions broken and few regrets thrown in too!

And what better time than now for some

What does your life story hold vis-a-vis this year?

What are your achievements and joys?

What are the memories you made this year? 

What are your strengths that you have realized, worked on or gained this year?

What are your weaknesses you overcame this year? 

What is the lesson this year has taught you?

What did you give this year?

What are the lessons from this year that you wish to carry forward next year which will make your next year a better one than this one?

What are the milestones that you crossed this year?

On the whole how would you sum up this year?


Saturday, December 22, 2018

on a query!

Further to the query in the link :

i request you to go through these old posts and get back with your specific questions and also let me know if these posts did address your query (atleast partially?):

and someone asked about the desire 'unfulfilled' and that too is covered in one of these links....

please go through all the links and feel free to ask further questions.....

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Monday, December 17, 2018

On prayers unanswered and desires kept an ardent devotee of GOD!

On prayers unanswered and desires kept an ardent devotee of GOD!

I am a ‘believer’ in GOD and would love to believe that HE is there ‘somewhere up there’ for me! 

I would like to believe HE listens to me. 

I long to believe that HE loves me and wants to fulfil my wishes – nay exists only to fulfil my wishes! 

In my head I AM THE ONLY existence for HIM and I believe that to be true! 

I wish my belief was validated with my experience!?! 

Well, If I need to be generous, yes few of my ‘small’ wishes did come true (and some of them a wee bit late than soon and I had to do lots of sadhan for that too!), but ONE wish that was most important and dearest to me has been kept on hold since ages..... 

And it is at such times I wonder if God has ceased to exist for me! And even if HE did exist may be HE has become deaf to me and my woes? 

I wonder..... 

Has HE gone on a holiday? Does HE? Can HE? Would HE? Does HE need it or want it? 

I just wished HE grant me my long pending ‘wish’ as I cursed HIM and my FATE, I heard this song playing in a shop that I walked into and then......... ...I had my cup of coffee and left the shop wondering.........was it HIM that set that song for me? I guessed I would never get an answer for that! But I realized I had a smile on my lips and a gratitude in my heart as I walked out of that shop...........and thank God for that! 

also read previous related posts :

(if any of you come across any posts related to this topic please give the link)

Thursday, December 6, 2018

on time gone by!

Of all the regrets one which is difficult to forgive is having wasted enough time in not being happy.

And the power to have less of this regret rests in our hands. How wonderful is that! And yet.......

Yes, we are angry and frustrated about all such moments when the other is responsible for me not being happy. But what say of such moments when I uselessly wasted precious moments of my life 'not being happy'?

Sunday, December 2, 2018

on choices!

wow, this link is a long one and that shows how many times and in how many ways this topic has been dealt with. 

Why? One, because I presume the person experiencing anger, frustration, sadness etc because of hurt, situations and people in life, expectations etc haven't read the old posts and even if they have they didn't give much notice to it as then it was not their problem or question.....

Not every story, explanation, quote, sayings or examples (and etc) touches everyone alike. Each of these have a taker and all the rest of the people are left where they are. When again this topic or this Truth is projected / explained with a different story or in a different way, it reaches some. Assuming that atleast one of these explanation would help you to see the area of problem and thereby make it easy to come out of the pit of sadness and anger easily i write again and again. (Am I wrong?)

And again I know this is easily said than practiced and takes years of practice and old habits make it much more difficult to take in new way of thinking. So just as the mind works hard to hold you to your old way of thinking, I take it upon myself to work doubly hard and from various angles to cut that way of thinking.

So end up with same topics again and again.......yet it is not the same. The topic is dealt from various angles, perceptions and degrees so people find their answers as per the intensity of their problem, the stage of their sadhan and thereby make it easy for them to apply it eventually effortlessly in all times of their life......

I know this is tough and that's why I say 'go ahead, i'll have your back even if you falter...'

may you find the strength to walk this necessary yet difficult path which is more than enriching as you work past its difficulties.....

Difference in energies

Difference in energies

(Further to the query in the link given below :

No, sadhan also means you make conscious effort towards a change of perception.

Use every opportunity to exhibit your change of choice thereby changing your attitude and perception.

Don’t use every excuse in the book to be what you are already!

I’ve not only answered your question of “why we feel different energies at different times?” but also answered to

“how come I don’t feel so like them?”

“Why is it I don’t feel that change in me?”

“Why is it that I am unhappy at places where others are happy?”

“What should I do further to experience such wonderful feelings at all places?”

And such related questions.....

and please let me know if your query is answered completely and are you satisfied?


related posts :

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Difference in energies

Difference in energies

(Further to the query in the link given below :

Instead of searching for flaws in present we overflow with gratitude and fall on knees with tears rolling down our cheeks for the abundance of love of Nature/ God/ Guru / person. This stems from silence of mind. And for that to achieve ‘stop cribbing’. One who goes within into that silence (be it for even few minutes) and lo! The magic happens! No one can make it happen!

Only you can by changing from cribbing person to a silent one!

Change of centre of operation opens up doors of happiness!

Sadhan doesn’t mean do reiki for one hour and then hate one or all for the rest of time and complain that Reiki doesn’t work.

“One housewife was reading book and she came across one saying that said “Faith can more mountains”. Immediately she put down the book, looked out of her window, staring at the mountain afar she said “I know this quote to be wrong and I’ll prove it just now”.

She closed her eyes and started praying “may my faith move the mountain” for an hour. After an hour, she opened her eyes, found the mountain just the same, smiled and said “I knew that! No faith can move a mountain. How right was I!” she went to reading the book.


also read :

Difference in energies

Difference in energies

(Further to the query in the link given below :

(Godavari Arti in Rajhmundry - AP)

Assuming I have ONLY good experience, emotions and feelings always experience with moon, how come even they vary from time to time?

If it is the case, bless you for you belong to that group of people who have come to that ‘slot’ in existence where ‘being happy’ has become a way of effortless living with you. You are the one who’ll say -

“wow! I am in heaven – beautiful ambience”

“Wow! I am in hell! I have got company!”

You’ve practiced over God knows how long and come to live and Be happy inspite of circumstances.

And for those of us who aren’t in that space yet the mantra to be ‘happy’ is to choose ‘being happy’ every time we have to choose between ‘being happy’ and ‘being sad’.

Now coming to question as to why the same person’s feelings change from time to time?

Apart from ‘State of mind’ there are other variables working within like our attitudes, centre of operation and sadhan. 

As we are in sadhan our attitudes start shifting from fault-finding, complaining, conditions and expectations to that of acceptance and gratitude. When we are grateful we see the abundance in our life and its situations.


Friday, November 30, 2018

Difference in energies

Difference in energies

(Further to the query in the link given below :

(Godavari Aarti at Rajhmundry, AP)

Why do we feel different energies at the same place at different points of time?

Moon is the integral part of everyone’s life – be it in any part of the world. It is same irrespective of nation, caste, creed, sex, species etc. But when it is looked at even at the same point of time by different people and for this purpose from same spot is experienced differently by different people.

Is it related the same way by a kid, depressed youth, a couple in love, a lonely dejected old man and a wise man? No, certainly not! (I am sure you can picture each one’s feelings and experience their emotions separately with moon and hence am not explaining that!)

Where is the difference coming from?

Moon, time, place being the same – the experience, emotion and the memory carried is different, because these are dependent on only one factor – viz., the state of mind. The state of mind reflects on the way I look at the moon, relate with it and feel about it. If I am in love, happy, celebrating then moon looks like sharing my happiness and shining forth my happiness through its radiance. But in heartbroken situation it seems to mock me with its radiance. Poor moon! It is just being itself during its regular duty, honestly in its routine. Yet it is given a role of friend or a teaser – a la’ enemy depending upon my state of mind.


on query on shiva!

Further to the query in the link below on Shiva....

What do you think about Shiva having Ganga flowing from his head etc etc....and If God is infinite can HE be contained in the physical form...?

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The real treasure!

The real Treasure

Sometimes we have to travel the whole world to realize that all that we ever needed and wanted was right there in our 'Homes'!

How many times have you felt it, realized it and found it to be true?

People we meet in life!

People we meet in life!

It is not every day that we get to meet people who would make an impact in our lives. 

Some meet us far in between but they are sort of part of us though far apart. We carry these people with us where ever we are. They stay as a smile on our lips when their memories or their thoughts cross our minds even if be for a fleeting second. 

We stay with few who though staying with us for ages don’t know us and us, sometimes them. They are more of choices of conveniences and compulsions than that of our affections. These relationships burden us with expectations, conditions, pain and suffering. 

Some are like that catchy tune which doesn’t leave us however much we try and are playing at the back of our mind all through the day. They bring us our cheer just by being there out of sight yet near our hearts. 

Some are easier to forget. 

Some make it impossible to forget. 

Some make us meet the better version of who we are! 

And some shape us into who we are! 

Some are like that sweet fragrance that lingers long after its holder is gone. 

Each plays their part and fulfills their role in our lives. 

At each crossroads of life, we meet some, we leave some. 

But those who are carried in hearts and held on as memories never ever leave us for real! They become part of us and stay with us for ever!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What is the type of person you choose to be?

What is the type of person you choose to be?

Admired, feared, envied or trusted?

Is it just a wish to possess those qualities or do you consciously make an effort to develop them in you?

Because no character was built in a day or by mere wishing!

Character is nothing but a series of habits chosen over the time, choices made over period and beliefs developed bye and by.

Nobody – absolutely nobody and that includes your Guru and God too, can make that choice for you. They can’t develop an attitude that you don’t have. That is your choice and area to be worked on. 

They can stand by you, cheering you to get up as you fail a thousand times. They can show the pros and cons of every choice, but the choice you have to make. They can show you the path, show you pitfalls there and give you tips to avoid them but walk you have to on these paths. They can give or guide you techniques to make this journey faster and easier but apply them you must!

Don’t ever expect anyone to walk your path – they can’t! However much they would love to do it on your behalf it is against the Nature’s Law of respecting ‘freewill’.

Will you be satisfied and healthy on an empty stomach if someone else is eating on your behalf?

Your salary is paid to someone else. Will you accept it?

No one can breathe for you.

No one can eat or sleep on your behalf. Similarly, no one can work on your attitude but yourself.

Know this and start thinking and living right!

And stop blaming others for ‘Not being there’ for you!

Me, my Guru – On Trust!


Me, my Guru – On Trust!

She applied it correctly. This was detachment. Separating the act from the person and assigning ‘the value’ to the act and behaving with the person ‘the right way’! We usually mix them both and hence our emotions play havoc in our lives but her emotions were balanced. And today she gave us the reason and a way to know why and how! 

The big question was “would we want to apply it in our lives? Would we choose to do that? Or let go off one more chance to learn and apply right attitude and technique and benefit from the same or go back to our comfort zone of complaining and suffering with – but why no miracle happens in my life? 

-no one sets my life in order 

-why can I never be happy? Etc, etc.... 

Or the classic – all this is fine, but doesn’t apply to my situation and problem and I am where I am! 

She gave us the solution to our problems by living it but we chose to ignore it because we were adamant and stupid enough to want the solution the way we wanted it. We never listened to her. We wanted her to say words that we wished to hear. No doubt we had our anger reserved for her. Whether she knew or not, i knew not. Whether it bothered her or not, I knew not. But she let us heal ourselves and our complaints at our pace ....

Monday, November 26, 2018

Me, my Guru – On Trust!

Me, my Guru – On Trust! 

‘Guruji, how come you remain unaffected inspite of so many people cheating and hurting you?’ 

‘Because I trust all but I don’t trust the ‘devil’ within them’.

‘Then, what gives you hope and strength to trust others?’

‘The divine within them!’

I smiled. She gave application to ‘hate the sin and not the sinner rule!
