Sunday, December 2, 2018

on choices!

wow, this link is a long one and that shows how many times and in how many ways this topic has been dealt with. 

Why? One, because I presume the person experiencing anger, frustration, sadness etc because of hurt, situations and people in life, expectations etc haven't read the old posts and even if they have they didn't give much notice to it as then it was not their problem or question.....

Not every story, explanation, quote, sayings or examples (and etc) touches everyone alike. Each of these have a taker and all the rest of the people are left where they are. When again this topic or this Truth is projected / explained with a different story or in a different way, it reaches some. Assuming that atleast one of these explanation would help you to see the area of problem and thereby make it easy to come out of the pit of sadness and anger easily i write again and again. (Am I wrong?)

And again I know this is easily said than practiced and takes years of practice and old habits make it much more difficult to take in new way of thinking. So just as the mind works hard to hold you to your old way of thinking, I take it upon myself to work doubly hard and from various angles to cut that way of thinking.

So end up with same topics again and again.......yet it is not the same. The topic is dealt from various angles, perceptions and degrees so people find their answers as per the intensity of their problem, the stage of their sadhan and thereby make it easy for them to apply it eventually effortlessly in all times of their life......

I know this is tough and that's why I say 'go ahead, i'll have your back even if you falter...'

may you find the strength to walk this necessary yet difficult path which is more than enriching as you work past its difficulties.....


Kshitija said...

Mam thank you for the posts because it is a motivation for us it acts like a medicine when we read the post I may not understand it at my first read when I go through my daily chores some where I get across a situation and for that particular situation it suddenly strikes oh this is what Mam has written in the post and some times the same post looks and means in a different way
I would like to state an experience of mine I stopped sadhan for few days recently and I have noticed that while doing sadhan I am peaceful but when I stopped sadhan I started noticing that things started pricking me and I easily got angered and also I understood my body being hefty is also becoming a problem for me my goal is to readuce my weight in a healthy way
Thank u very much Mam please write Mam it gives us a new way of thought

Mona said...

I have a doubt.

I have felt the same many times : "..the mind works hard to hold you to your old way of thinking". This is true but why? Why doesn't the mind and body welcome the new ways of thinking or being, which would help us reach higher energy levels? Why does it feel as if the system is revolting while in Sadhan?

I remember what was taught to us about each cell passing on the information of our being to the next cell and hence the formation of our character/qualities/physical pains which become stubborn by the day unless we make an attempt to do Sadhan and attune them to newer energies. Is this the only reason?