Sunday, December 30, 2018

Year end of 2018

Year end of 2018 

‘Year end’ - Once again the time has come for this period of year!

And what an year it had been!

Time to say good bye this year and celebrate the coming of next year! 

Goodbye carries with it packet full of promises kept, resolutions held on to, dreams lived, relationships mended, joys and achievements celebrated, memories made. 

With the success tales are some dreams unfulfilled, persons and hope lost, resolutions broken and few regrets thrown in too!

And what better time than now for some

What does your life story hold vis-a-vis this year?

What are your achievements and joys?

What are the memories you made this year? 

What are your strengths that you have realized, worked on or gained this year?

What are your weaknesses you overcame this year? 

What is the lesson this year has taught you?

What did you give this year?

What are the lessons from this year that you wish to carry forward next year which will make your next year a better one than this one?

What are the milestones that you crossed this year?

On the whole how would you sum up this year?


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