Friday, January 9, 2015

Shishya Aruni and his Guru Bhakthi


Why is this important? Well, only a student who is not ashamed of his Masster, who is not jealous of his Master, who doesn’t compete with his Master will be humble enough to have faith in his Master to receive what his Master is capable of giving him. A look at the story of Aruni – a great disciple will give you a clearer picture of this fact.

Well, we are talking about the time when students would be staying in ‘Ashrams’ along with their Guru. Students would do all the work of ashram themselves and also cater to the needs of the Guru – like keeping firewood and other requirements ready to keep the sacrificial fire burning, tending of cows in the ashram, look after the requirements of Guru like making his bed, collecting items required for his Pooja, keeping his room, clothes clean et like. In such ashram of a Guru Dhaumya there was a student called Aruni. He hardly would be able to grasp whatever was taught. But, his bhakthi for Guru was unquestioned. He would be ever ready to do ‘seva’ to his Guru. This he would do without any ulterior motive or desire. It was sheer bhakthi for his Guru that would drive him to wait on his Guru. His intent was ever pure.

On such night it was raining heavily and Guru Dhaumya allotted different duties to each of his student. He called Aruni and asked him to go to the fields and see that the mud bunds built were intact so that excess water did not flow into the fields. Aruni rushed to fields to see that the bund was broken and water was gushing into the fields. It wasn’t the era of ‘cell-phones’ or ‘whatsapp’ to ask his Guru’s next order. He tried his best to build it and arrest the flow of water but nothing seemed to work. After having tried various methods and failed, Aruni simply lied down on the bund to arrest the flow of water into the fields. For him, fulfilling his Guru’s order was only important. He never had “I tried but still nothing happened. What else could I do? So I came back…” etc nonsense and it certainly was not his idea of carrying off his Guru’s order.

In the morning, when all students assembled, Guru Dhaumya found Aruni missing and asked about his whereabouts. When nobody could tell as to where he was, Guru remembered the work he had allotted to him and rushed to the fields – only to see Aruni laying down frozen on the ground arresting the flow of water. His eyes filled with water, lifted Aruni and embraced him and with heart felt with love blessed Aruni “for your bhakthi and innocence I reward you with the knowledge that you’ll receive even without learning it”. And Aruni knew all that he had to learn.

Everyone wants Guru to do this for them but no one wants to have bhakthi of Aruni. You receive what you give. Your intent decides your returns. And to think people “pray” that their Master goes from their midst to be “the centre of attraction”. How sorry is their state of existence!


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