Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Ideal student


This fakir was none other than the Adi-Guru Swami Dattatreya. He was born son of Sage Atri and his wife Anasuya know for her chastity. Students and children of sage Atri were called Atreya – hence the name Datta atreya – Dattatreya. He was the vara-prasada (born of boon) given by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and hence went on to become Adi-Guru. But, he called himself ‘student of Nature’ when asked by King Yadu as to who he was. That is the quality of discipleship. It is not something that can be bought. It’s a pre-requisite quality that lets the flower bloom when the bud is ready. Sun is ever present for all but only the flower ready to boom blooms. Likewise, God in the form of knowledge is available to one and all in various forms teaching us at all times. 

But, the important question is ‘am I available to learning’?

Availability is possible when I am open to learning. Being open means accepting I don’t know and I need to learn and know. It humbles me. It should also mean I have no conditions with regards to receiving from any source as long as I receive all that is divine. Only a person who keeps his ego in lock and key is available and open enough to receiving all that comes his way. If Swamy Dattatreya can learn from a courtesan, can’t we learn from people in our life? Can’t we learn from people who are giving discourses? When he can thank a courtesan, wasp, elephant for being his Guru and giving them due credit for his learning can't we be fearless enough to accept our Guru in public - whoever it be.

Since this quality cannot be directly developed, work to dropping negative qualities and do intention reiki to develop qualities of discipleship and then when it happens, you’ll find Gurus teaching you from every aspect of nature.



Kshitija said...

Today from the time I woke up I was eagerly waiting for the blog article because I really loved this topic of decipleship because it made me realize where I am as a student it really helped me a lot I got to know what are the areas where I need to work and what is that that needs to be done

Kshitija said...

Me and my guru
"Guru can rewrite your fate once he decides"
Yesterday I was going through one of the chapters of my memories with my guru and I went back through my memories and started to recollect the happenings Then I heard these words spoken by my guru when she spoke these words in the class I saw my self how I was and what were my thoughts then I saw that I did not know or rather I would honestly admit that I never trusted these words and took them very easily. But walking this path of life because reiki is by it self a part of life today I realized how true these words are today I know what she reallyment by saying these words. I am really amazed by how this can really happen. Yes guru can rewrite our fate once he decides even though you may not completely know about what you seek in your life a guru with his or her devine grace would make you eligible for what you have asked if it is some thing that u deserve and not eligible to get it at that particular point of time they always work for us and our betterment of life I chose a life partner and when choosing I didn't know what would be the after consequences that I would have to face in my life my guru warned many times regarding my decision and still I was very stubborn and went a head with my choice then after my marriage I realized what all she said and suffered with my expectations it is only the devine grace of my guru which turned the bitter years if my life into the most important learning years of my life I feel very thankful to meet he today because today I realized that she was silently walking with me in my journey with out letting me fall even though I was emotionally broken she taught me what is life she gave me life she never left me alone today what ever life I am able to enjoy I owe it to her