Monday, January 28, 2019

On moving forward!

On moving forward!

One who burns his bridges behind him so that he is forced to walk only forward is the happiest and a peaceful person!

It is the fear that stops from burning the bridges behind him!

How can a person who plans on retracing his steps move forward....

No one can see the future!

No one can tell the future!

Each person can take decisions of present only based on available data, facts, figures, desires and needs.

Evaluate your desires, needs, wants and see the available choices in front of you and take your decisions.  

Don't expect anyone to guarantee the 'good results' based on your decisions made.....

No one can give that....

Every decision comes with a package.....every decision has its own set of pros and cons. Write down your pros and cons and see how they weigh. And where your pros out weigh your cons, just take that decision - that is the logical way of arriving at the decision.


Calm yourself down. Meditate on the issue and seek the solution. Be in silence for few minutes. When you get up you'll know the right decision - not one based on logic or driven by fear, anger or any other negative emotion but one based on your 'gut'. Go with it - this is the way you arrive at the decision the 'listen to your heart' way. 

But never take decisions when you are driven or carried away by your emotions.

Never justify your decisions by relating to some incidents.

Don't let your stupidity, ego, adamant nature get in your way to having clarity of thought!

Relax, meditate and walk your feel!

Once you take the decision, don't fret, regret or fear.

Walk the path and life will give you one more chance to change the path - again to reconsider your 'wrong decision' (if and when taken) and come back the right path!

So, relax, each is given choices and chances to reevaluate our decisions from time to time.

Work on yourself, enjoy the journey and keep moving!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

on life! poem by Ghalib

मालूम सबको है ज़िन्दगी बेहाल है लेकिन 
लोग फिर भी पूछते हैं की क्या हाल है?

Everyone knows that life is difficult and yet
everyone asks "how's life?"

Go within to look into the redundancies of our social etiquette and the way we converse with one another...

drop all that look fake or useless and lo, you have started to live a life without pretense....

Saturday, January 26, 2019


Related image

Love Mister, is like debt 
people take it but forget to return it....

And all those people who complain that there is no love in life,
that they are longing for love,
that the people in their life don't love them -
are they the ones who don't get it in real or the ones who haven't returned it when and where they received it from...

does validation of love make you feel loved?

or is it lack of validation of love that makes one feel miserable and miss having love in life?

think, think about it.......

Friday, January 25, 2019

Poem on Childhood - Ghalib

आज बचपन का एक टूटा खिलौना मिला 
उसने तबभी रुलाया था और आज भी रुलाया।  

I found my childhood toy today,
i cried for it then and so did i today too....
(it made me cry then and so did it today too...)

replace 'toy' with any of the memory of yesterday and go through these lines again....

isn't it a paradox of life and its reality that that which made me cry out of pain then made me cry now out of happiness and joy.....

then is it odd that we suffer pain now which many times we may recollect and only laugh at in some distant future?

if so, we are we going wrong?

are we going wrong with our emotions?

how are we relating with our experiences?

Friday, January 18, 2019

on pain!

There is pain and suffering certainly in this world!

And that seems to be inevitable in everybody's life!

When it is so rampant, don't we need to know it's source?

Think, where is the pain and suffering coming from?

Agreed, every person in our life is creating hell for us and yet....

Yes, there is injustice in the world and yet......

The world seems to be in chaos and yet.......

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

On dependence...

On dependence, being independent and the hierarchy.....

आँसूं निकल आये तो ख़ुद ही पोंछ लेना 
वगरना लोग उसका कारोबार बना देंगे। 

If your eyes shed tears, wipe it yourself
for if you expect others to do that for you, they would make business out of that....


when you break down, get up on your own
for if you wait for others they would make business out of that....

share your understanding, experience on the same.....

Monday, January 14, 2019

New Year Resolutions!


New Year Resolutions

-          Stop procrastinating and start living ‘NOW’. All those that you wanted to do since long like go on a hiking, camp, safari, visit an old friend or an old age home, get in touch with some lost touch relative, read a book (long pending), try that new recipe, pick up a hobby etc, do it now. Write these little ‘to dos’, stick it on your mirror, save as your ‘screen’ on phone and do that this year.
-          Use the technology to your benefit and growth. Don’t let that rob you of your life, time, energy and peace of mind. Do you have to be on all those 10-15 groups of whatsapp? Official needed, agreed! But didn’t you notice that in all those groups the same message keeps circulating and then why do you end up forwarding the same once more? If you can’t be away from ‘all those groups’ at least stop forwarding all that you receive including funny videos and jokes too. Save your breathe for your well-being rather than ‘scatter it’ on all and sundry. Use technology. Don’t become its slave. Be its master!
Make small changes and see bit effects in your life – this year!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

On New Year resolutions….


On New Year resolutions….

-          Learn to appreciate the “simple nothings” of life say like watching sunrise and sunset, birds flying or any of their activity, a lazing cat, conductor going about his work especially – during rush hours, ducks swimming, people sweeping the roads, puffing of rotis (Indian bread), cool breeze – all such normal, simple and routine stuff. Life is ‘lived in such moments’. They are in millions – live them and enrich your life. Don’t just wait for “that desire to b fulfilled” or for that ‘perfect moment’. Make every single moment special by living it.

-          Pick up a hobby

-          Decide to visit say atleast 4-5  places this year. If finance is the constraint, there are tones of places worth a visit just few hours drive from Hyderabad (or any place of your stay). Don’t belittle these short, sweet and inexpensive trips.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

On New Year resolutions….


On New Year resolutions….

But the majority holds others responsible for their pain and suffering and since their belief is so strong they hardly make an effort in changing. The change for such people is very painful and very slow too! They rot in the making of their own hell! These people just expect people to believe that others are cause of their suffering in their lives! So nothing there to alleviate them of their pain and suffering! But for those who wish to take charge of their lives, make resolutions with these things in mind.

.       Whatever be the area of resolution let it be achievable and of simple steps :
-          If you are a person who wakes up at 7am daily then make a resolution to get up at say 6.30am or 6.45 am instead of 3 am or 5 am.
-          If you have your house or office in a high rise building then climb one or two floors and then take an elevator
-          Like-wise get down couple of floors and then take an elevator. If your office is at 2nd floor – DON’T take the elevator at all – unless you are sick
-          Start with 5 mts exercise daily twice a day if not doing exercise at all.
-          Increase it to 10 mts after a month and lo! Before long you would be regular and doing ½ an hour exercise daily
-          Same with pranayamam – breathing exercise
-          Before heaving tea make a list of to – dos of the day and at the end of the day write atleast 3 things you are grateful for in your journal. Yes, as told to you repeatedly maintain a journal for things you are grateful for! Later slowly you can also write 3 things that brought smile on your lips during the day/ you are proud of doing or achieving/ wish that came true/ benchmark that you ear marked and met/ experience that you cherish of today/ lessons learnt/ weaknesses overcome or handled person/ situation in a better way etc.  


Friday, January 11, 2019

On New Year resolutions….


On New Year resolutions….

These are the people who bring about simple, regular changes in life-styles, mental make-up and above all, sadhan (if Reiki channel and if healer in any other healing modality). These people would make conscious effort to change the way they think at least in the major area of their life and take charge of their life. These are the people to whom every year becomes better then the last. Not because of the comforts or ease in their lives but because of the increase in their mental strength and change in mental make-up, attitude and internal strength.

These are the people who believe and live their belief which says “I am responsible for what I attract in life and by changing myself I can bring about change in what I attract in my life”.

But the majority holds others responsible for their pain and suffering and since their belief is so strong they hardly make an effort in changing. The change for such people is very painful and very slow too! They rot in the making of their own hell! These people just expect people to believe that others are cause of their suffering in their lives! So nothing there to alleviate them of their pain and suffering! But...


Thursday, January 10, 2019

On New Year resolutions….


On New Year resolutions….

But a person who just enjoys or celebrates till the wee-hours does feel the high of celebrations for sometime as he receives “likes” for his photos on social media but also falls back within no time into the mundane of dreary boring painful routine. He is disappointed that ‘even this year did not bring about the change that he desired since long’. The majority fall under this category who experience high with every change in place, vacation, celebration and experience the fall with the thud into their ‘usual suffering abysmal hell’.

No change of calendar, place or people can bring any positive change in these peoples’ lives. Sad but true!

Few are also those sensible ones who look to this day as an excuse to sit and recollect their thoughts, journey, lessons learnt, memories and achievements made, plans executed, fights fought and won. In short, they look within to understand their strengths and weaknesses, qualities developed and  weaknesses won over thereby start the New Year with the clarity of thought filled with their knowledge of self, which in turn helps them to know which area they need to work on and which are the strengths developed that they can cash on. With this know-how, when they celebrate New
Year, they know they are bidding goodbye to the year gone by which has enriched them in so many ways. This celebration is a way of gratitude where they say ‘good bye’ and welcome next year with heart full of hope, determination and with action plan and tools (the know- how of strengths and weaknesses). This way it is not an empty party but a ‘kick-start’ towards next mile-stone of life. Unlike the majority these people don’t think New Year means ‘change’ towards happiness. Their expectations are sensible, practical and hence achievable. For them New Year is just a continuation of the past but with adjustments made to alter towards the desired changes in life.


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

On New Year resolutions….

On New Year resolutions….

आस ने कहा सब्र कर मैं तो मिटठा चला ,
सब्र ने कहा दिल थाम ले मैं तो चलता बना। 

Hope said “have patience for I am leaving”, 
patience said “hold your breath for I am dying”

In today’s world, there are more excuses than before to be sad, frustrated and hopeless. Thanks to ads and access to have peak into celebrity and high end weddings and celebrations, we have more reasons to doubt validity of our simple joys and pleasures of life and more reasons to feel bad for self.

Inspite of technological advancement, we need to rely on films to discover our ‘Mohan Bhargavas, Mountain man, Sonam wanghchuk and such people. For every Mohan Bhargav we have hundreds of Sindhu tai (who is called ‘mother of orphans), Jadav Payeng (the forest man), Chewang Norphel and so many of them working silently, selflessly and bringing about huge change in the world around them. But we are more exposed to hate videos and destructive news than constructive and pro-active news! That too early in the morn! No doubt, we are wallowing in self-doubt, frustration, fear, hatred, stress and loads of negativity. So, New
Year Celebrations come as a beautiful excuse to make resolutions that would build our lives around hope and happiness!  New Year and such group celebration carry with them group or mass euphoria that is easy to pick up and get used to effortlessly. Hence, though it is just another day and no special day as per our culture (it applies to every culture where other culture other than English culture is followed), it is still a good excuse to revamp, rethink and recharge our thoughts around constructive and pro-active action rather than blaming and holding others responsible for our state and happiness!


Monday, January 7, 2019

On being happy!

on being happy!

To be happy and to be on a positive note, inspite of what happens every day and with whom so ever you are with and wherever you are think of a 'pleasant memory' once every hour to bring that smile on your lip.

If you can't remember, then set an alarm for every hour in your cell phone or watch (do people still wear them?) to remind you to go on your 'guilty pleasure trip down the pleasant memory trip'

Let these be short trips of say 1 mt or 2mt only....

You can relive a funny moment or think of a joke that is close to your heart too....

You can relive the same moment 'n' number of times too....

Do it and get back to me with your experiences.....

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Start of the day!

A nice thought, a good song and a hot cup of tea is all you need to kick start your day the right way!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

On opinions!

On opinion

What is an opinion?

According to dictionary opinion is 

"a thought or a belief about something or someone"

" a judgement about someone or something"

""thoughts or beliefs that a group of people have"....

Based on this definition, everybody and anybody can have an opinion and that is subject to his intellect, likes, dislikes and so many factors like socio-economic-political etc in  his life and at that time .  All these reasons or causes are subject to change with time and perspective. People have paradigm shift just with one simple experience. Then how can and why should we rely on either our or others opinion?

And as long as it is an 'opinion' we are taking (be it of any person) it would just be one side of an argument and there is no point in wasting ones's energy, time and balance of mind on such frivolous activity. 

Please read the related topics for your understanding of this further and then ask doubt if any after that - be it on any topic :

Know that the 'opinions' are the basis of divisiveness in this world - be it religion, personal relationships, socio or political. And so it becomes even more important for us all to know what an opinion means and how it effects our mental space and thereby our  personality and ultimately our fate and destiny.

Glad one of your doubts did bring up this topic for discussion and clarification. Please go through the links and explain what you have understood about 'opinion' and how it decides our actions, feelings, thoughts and emotions.