Wednesday, January 2, 2019

On opinions!

On opinion

What is an opinion?

According to dictionary opinion is 

"a thought or a belief about something or someone"

" a judgement about someone or something"

""thoughts or beliefs that a group of people have"....

Based on this definition, everybody and anybody can have an opinion and that is subject to his intellect, likes, dislikes and so many factors like socio-economic-political etc in  his life and at that time .  All these reasons or causes are subject to change with time and perspective. People have paradigm shift just with one simple experience. Then how can and why should we rely on either our or others opinion?

And as long as it is an 'opinion' we are taking (be it of any person) it would just be one side of an argument and there is no point in wasting ones's energy, time and balance of mind on such frivolous activity. 

Please read the related topics for your understanding of this further and then ask doubt if any after that - be it on any topic :

Know that the 'opinions' are the basis of divisiveness in this world - be it religion, personal relationships, socio or political. And so it becomes even more important for us all to know what an opinion means and how it effects our mental space and thereby our  personality and ultimately our fate and destiny.

Glad one of your doubts did bring up this topic for discussion and clarification. Please go through the links and explain what you have understood about 'opinion' and how it decides our actions, feelings, thoughts and emotions. 

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