Saturday, January 26, 2019


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Love Mister, is like debt 
people take it but forget to return it....

And all those people who complain that there is no love in life,
that they are longing for love,
that the people in their life don't love them -
are they the ones who don't get it in real or the ones who haven't returned it when and where they received it from...

does validation of love make you feel loved?

or is it lack of validation of love that makes one feel miserable and miss having love in life?

think, think about it.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Short : Overwhelm people with Love!

I mean, Love them so much that they would never leave you.

May be they didn't receive enough and hence they don't know or don't realise about returning it.

Validation is still far a topic, it would never take a chance to breathe if only one can overwhelm people with love.