Saturday, January 12, 2019

On New Year resolutions….


On New Year resolutions….

But the majority holds others responsible for their pain and suffering and since their belief is so strong they hardly make an effort in changing. The change for such people is very painful and very slow too! They rot in the making of their own hell! These people just expect people to believe that others are cause of their suffering in their lives! So nothing there to alleviate them of their pain and suffering! But for those who wish to take charge of their lives, make resolutions with these things in mind.

.       Whatever be the area of resolution let it be achievable and of simple steps :
-          If you are a person who wakes up at 7am daily then make a resolution to get up at say 6.30am or 6.45 am instead of 3 am or 5 am.
-          If you have your house or office in a high rise building then climb one or two floors and then take an elevator
-          Like-wise get down couple of floors and then take an elevator. If your office is at 2nd floor – DON’T take the elevator at all – unless you are sick
-          Start with 5 mts exercise daily twice a day if not doing exercise at all.
-          Increase it to 10 mts after a month and lo! Before long you would be regular and doing ½ an hour exercise daily
-          Same with pranayamam – breathing exercise
-          Before heaving tea make a list of to – dos of the day and at the end of the day write atleast 3 things you are grateful for in your journal. Yes, as told to you repeatedly maintain a journal for things you are grateful for! Later slowly you can also write 3 things that brought smile on your lips during the day/ you are proud of doing or achieving/ wish that came true/ benchmark that you ear marked and met/ experience that you cherish of today/ lessons learnt/ weaknesses overcome or handled person/ situation in a better way etc.  


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