Sunday, January 13, 2019

On New Year resolutions….


On New Year resolutions….

-          Learn to appreciate the “simple nothings” of life say like watching sunrise and sunset, birds flying or any of their activity, a lazing cat, conductor going about his work especially – during rush hours, ducks swimming, people sweeping the roads, puffing of rotis (Indian bread), cool breeze – all such normal, simple and routine stuff. Life is ‘lived in such moments’. They are in millions – live them and enrich your life. Don’t just wait for “that desire to b fulfilled” or for that ‘perfect moment’. Make every single moment special by living it.

-          Pick up a hobby

-          Decide to visit say atleast 4-5  places this year. If finance is the constraint, there are tones of places worth a visit just few hours drive from Hyderabad (or any place of your stay). Don’t belittle these short, sweet and inexpensive trips.


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