Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Kabir ke dohe - on rituals and essentials!


Kabir ke dohe - on rituals and essentials!

Mal mal dhoye shareer ko

Dhoye na man ka mail

Nahaaye ganga gomathi

Rahe bail ke bail


What is the use of washing the body again and again if the dirt of the mind/heart is not cleaned/washed?

People go to all sacred rivers like Ganga and Gomothi to cleanse themselves of their sins. Yet, they remain as dumb as buffaloes.

Meaning, by taking a dip in sacred rivers one’s sins will not be washed away. People are always giving importance to external rituals as they are the easiest to perform. They assume and market themselves as devotees and pure souls by practicing mundane rituals. They remain as dirty from within as ever. This doesn’t give any freedom from one’s karma.

Kabirdas is ever emphasizing the importance of cleaning the heart and mind from within. He is telling again and again that rituals are not the be-all of the religion. The true impact of one’s actions will show results only if he is changing from within.

Does that mean we let go of all the rituals?

Do rituals serve any purpose?

If so, how and till when?

How to follow rituals and benefit from them?


# rituals and essentials, pure heart, clean heart and clean room, on cleaning, perspective, change the perspective, 

also read suggested https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2009/05/belief-systems.html 

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