Saturday, August 24, 2024

Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite



Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite

Buddha was touched. He healed the snake and patting its hood said with a smile in a very gentle voice “I asked you not to bite. But, I didn’t ask you not to hiss”.

The snake smiled.

He understood the teaching correctly now. It bowed to the Master and thanked him for showing the right path!

From that day on, it would hiss at the villagers even from a distance. And the result was – they would keep away from the snake. Over time, it gained its health and self-respect. It protected itself without even hurting anyone.

So you see, being spiritual doesn’t mean becoming a door-mat or being a fool. Do not let others take you for a ride. Take a stand but not out of ego, anger or vengeance. Be firm but also be gentle. To prove your point you don’t need to hurt the other, insult the other or shout at the other. You can be calm and yet state your point. Scriptures, Masters give us “the way to lead our lives as per Dharm”. Because of lack of clarity, we don’t understand it correctly like our Nagaraj initially! And that lack of understanding becomes the cause of our suffering. But the great minds including some wonderfully blessed Reiki Masters blindly state that suffering is ‘healing’. When that suffering is actually because of our stupidity. Have clarity of thought or seek clarification from a Master who has one. Don’t blindly assume that all suffering is ‘healing’.

No, my dear – that is not so!

Do not even jump to the conclusion that such suffering is inevitable in the spiritual path. No, that also is not the case.

No real Master or scripture wants any sadhak to suffer while walking the path towards Enlightenment.


# me my Guru series, Buddha and the snake, hiss but not bite, be firm but gentle, 

also read suggested on this topic

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

This post has helped me handle an issue yesterday. Thank you.🙏