Thursday, August 8, 2024

Me, My Guru – On where there is a will, there is a way!



Me, My Guru – On where there is a will, there is a way!

Pointers to understand the post:

“Guruji, you are always asking us to do so many techniques. But, where is the time? Other masters don’t even emphasize doing ‘hands-on’ on 24 points. In fact, it is not even mentioned in their classes.” – One who is logical or emotional will get one or two points right. But, one who meditates will get not only all the points correct but also will be able to see the complete picture. He will be able to see the redundancy of the complete drama. He will break himself loose of this ‘maya’ at least and then become ‘free’ of this ‘part of maya’. That is the reason one is asked to meditate – always.

So, let’s see, all the things that these sentences reflect or mean.

1.     Here, the Guru is gas-lighted (put the blame on). By doing so, the student feels he becomes free of the taint of “not being able to do sadhan”. How convenient, stupid and classic weak person symptom.

2.     And to justify his verbal accusation, he brings in other masters’ ways of teaching. If, a student finds the other masters’ way of teaching good, good for him! All he has to do is leave the present master and go to the one whom he considers as the convenient master! But, see the picture correctly here. If it was so, he would have done so long back. But, no! he stays! That itself says a lot! It means he also knows what he gets to lose by going to the other master. But, he doesn’t say that. He wants the benefit of being with “THIS” master but doesn’t want to put in his “part of the effort” which is expected/demanded/asked/suggested (as the case may be).

Now, put the same mentality in other relationships. We do the same with our partners, children, parents, relatives and society. We have a list of complaints when it comes to how ‘others’ are supposed to be in our lives.


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