Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite



Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite

Pointers to understand this post:

Our Guru entered, sat in her seat and went into meditation. A few minutes later, she opened her eyes and said “In a certain village Buddha gave his discourse for a fortnight.” – so many times this has been expressed by the Guru. She sits in meditation whenever there is commotion. She is living what she preaches. She is showing us that in meditation we will find our answers. And yet….

One cobra, a snake was also listening to this discourse daily. On the final day as Buddha was leaving the village, this cobra came to meet Buddha. It bowed to Buddha and said “Master, I’ve been listening to your discourse every single day. I am impressed. I wish to walk the path towards Enlightenment. Please accept me as your shishya”.” – Even a poisonous snake as Cobra understood what Buddha was telling. We as humans just find excuses or ways to argue how we can’t follow being non-violent.

Buddha looking at the very huge, fat cobra willing to walk this path smiled and said “So be it!”” – If the shishya is genuine about his transformation then every Guru will accept him as his shishya – if is the condition here!

I don’t see people coming to me to change. They come to argue how they are right and how others in their life are wrong. The quality that that cobra had is a pre-requisite to be a shishya. The day you work on that, your Guru will come in your life.


# me my Guru series, Buddha and the snake, hiss but not bite, be firm but gentle, 

also read suggested on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Me%2C+My+Guru+-+On+life+and+death+%E2%80%93+III%21 

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