Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite



Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite

Pointers to understand this post:

Even if people passed our Nagaraj, it would simply slide away. Slowly people realised that it was not biting anyone anymore. Even children understood this. They no longer feared it. sometime passed. Children became so aggressive that they would stone it. It hurt badly. It would bleed and yet it didn’t bite anyone. People knowing this incident became more ferocious and vicious and started hitting it with stones and sticks whenever it came out in search of food.” – Just because you have decided to change doesn’t mean people will start respecting you or loving you. They still will hold you for your nature and attitude. You have to be persisting in your ‘changed behaviour’ for them to see the change in you.

You can’t say that if I become good they will treat me bad so I am not becoming good. – bad argument. One has to be gentle, kind and compassionate in all circumstances. No excuses there!

Many people died due to its poison. It was dreaded in that village and in the neighbouring villages too.”- the snake changed its behavior now. It is not being hit because of its ‘goodness’. Understand this correctly. It is facing all the hatred for what it had done in the past.

It had killed and hurt so many. It had controlled people with fear. When the fear goes away, then that fear in people gets changed into hatred and violence. That is exactly what happened here too.

So is the case in our life too. By changing we can’t say ‘I am forgiving them though they are hurting me’. No, they are not hurting you for what you are now. They are hurting you for what you have done in the past. They are hurting you for how you have hurt others in the past.

For what you are now, you will receive that reaction in your future. Undertand the connection correctly.

Remember, you are not being abused or hurt because you are good!


# me my Guru series, Buddha and the snake, hiss but not bite, be firm but gentle, 

also read suggested on this topic



Today’ Miracle
In my husband’s shop inside the ceiling the totally electrical wire burnt , they don’t know it.
my husband wants to renovation his shop today the electrician came he shocked asked to my husband “Anna how you survive this many days” the wire totally burnt he showed the wire.
They all are alive because of reiki distance vasthu healing & protection shield.
Thank you reiki, thank you gurujis thank you mam, thanks to all.

Swati said...

Thank you Rekha for encouraging me. From now on I will also do protection sheild for my family.