Sunday, August 4, 2024

Me, My Guru – On where there is a will, there is a way!



Me, My Guru – On where there is a will, there is a way!

When such public figures are not finding excuses to not exercise, attend social calls and so on, can we? When we find reasons for not ‘having time for sadhan’, are we telling ourselves or others that we are busier than these men!!?? We don’t need to sneak at the middle of the night like these celebrities. And yet for our own good, we lack time! Is it for real? If you are not your own priority, don’t cry, or complain. Complain or feel bad when things go wrong and you lack the strength to face them.” Our Guru left us for some time at that. She didn’t tell much. We didn’t dare ask any.

We knew where we stood. Today, we kept silent.

And, for many days to come her one sentence kept ringing in our ears “IF your desire is strong, you’’ make time – come what may! If there is a will, there is ALWAYS A WAY! If there is a will – that is!”


# Me My Guru series, where there is a way there is a way, on choices, decisions, attitudes, 

Read suggested

Pointers to understand the post:

Given below are a few sentences from the post. Based on "pointers to understand the post" - share what you understand/ how you interpret these sentences....

“Guruji, you are always asking us to do so many techniques. But, where is the time? Other masters don’t even emphasize doing ‘hands-on’ on 24 points. In fact, it is not even mentioned in their classes.” 

Our Guru just smiled and waited for tea to arrive.” – Read this sentence again and again. What did you understand from this?

“SRK, AB –  when such examples are given –  what is the purpose of such examples? 

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