Thursday, August 29, 2024

Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite



Me, My Guru – Hiss, but don’t bite

Pointers to understand this post:

Buddha was touched. He healed the snake and patting its hood said with a smile in a very gentle voice “I asked you not to bite. But, I didn’t ask you not to hiss”.” – see how Buddha answers the Cobra. He is not judging the snake. He is not talking with arrogance of knowledge. He is not forcing his knowledge. He is gentle.

People say “But, when we give advice, they get angry maam”. Look at the way you talk, behave and conduct yourself – even from within. Therein, lies the reason for their behavior towards your advice.

The snake smiled.”- The snake having the quality of a true shishya listened with emptiness when his Guru spoke. He didn’t complain to Buddha saying “I followed your advice trusting you and see what happened to me??!!”

He understood the teaching correctly now. It bowed to the Master and thanked him for showing the right path!” – When the person has purity of intent he will understand with a simple gesture, word or a smile even. Purity of intent is important here.

Did she listen to our conversation? But that was almost impossible!!! We were left with these questions – as ever with ourselves.” – Miracles happen all around us and in so many ways and so many times, yet because of our ego, we can’t see it or validate it.

We should learn to hiss – but not bite!” – We memorize so many tag lines in this spiritual path. We quote them right! But, living them is not something that is possible for everyone. Concentrate on living them - a little a day! 

No quote is imbibed overnight. No quote is a sentence. A quote is an 'action verb' that needs to be put into practice a million times a day for it to become effective in your life! 



# me my Guru series, Buddha and the snake, hiss but not bite, be firm but gentle, 

also read suggested on this topic




Kshitija said...

Thank you for the pointers to understand I am able to understand the post in a better way. Many a time I have noticed what I am thinking to be different. This gave me a new insight.

Kshitija said...

Also the oneliners of pooh , lao tzu especially lao tzu they come back to me during day when I experience the situations