Thursday, August 22, 2024

Grace healings for Saving Lions and for the animal World!


Grace healings for Saving Lions and for the animal World!

Sent Grace healings to Swathi for 3 days – for she sent Reiki for the animal kingdom further to

Lesson to be learnt:

Many more must have sent it.

But, they didn’t give the feed back. So, they didn’t receive Grace healings!

So, do we need to ‘propagate’ to the Universe, World and God about our good deeds to receive the bounty – absolutely NO!

Never talk about the good that you have done. That is the best way to heal your karma!

But, also you can’t feel jealous that the other you had expressed their good work is getting praised.

You also can’t complain that you didn’t receive ‘grace healings’ in spite of having healed!

You can’t expect appreciation for the work done unless explicitly stated.

So – for a sadhak, it is imperative that you do all work in silence and yet not expect any returns – either in kind or otherwise for the same.

Then, why separate rules for the blog?

Here, the benefits of expressing are varied. Read (I have also clearly stated various benefits in old posts - share with others the same if you come across it)

How can you expect me to send Grace healings unless I know that you have done it!!?? If you don’t want Grace healings, well, that is a different story altogether though.

Why Grace healings ? 

"The best way to guarantee receiving something that you desire is to give it first!" says the Mystic!

So, what did you learn from this post?

# heal the Earth, heal the animals, saving animals, no man is an island, grace healings, receive what you give, do good receive good, no good done ever goes waste,

Points to remember:

No good ever done goes to waste!

You receive what you give. 

Give more of what you wish to receive!

Be the change you want to see!

No man is an island!

We are as safe as others are in this World - animals, plants, insects and minerals!



Swati said...

Thank you so much mam.
I doing 3 days of healing from 1st sept.. for safe landing of Sunita Williams.

Kshitija said...

Thank you for inspiring me I will also send reiki for her safe landing