Wednesday, August 7, 2024

On kindness - The strength of the strong!


On kindness - The strength of the strong!

Anyone can retaliate in times of oppression.

Anyone can curse when he is wronged.

Anyone can be brutal when he is cheated and exploited.

But, to be kind to the one who has cheated takes strength.

But, to be kind to the one who has wronged you takes restraint that only the strongest have!

And to have these qualities means you have ‘grace’. You need to be ‘in tune with the Divine’ and be blessed by the ‘grace’ from above. Only the one who has grace can be kind to the cruel. And to receive that ‘grace’ it takes effort from us to show ‘kindness’ to the one who is cruel to us.

Kindness is the easiest way to "come home to ourselves".

Kindness is the easiest route to healing ourselves.

Kindness is the easiest technique that can be used every day by each one of us!


Read suggested

# kindness, forgiveness, strength, weakness, cruelty, attitude, divinity, purity of intent and soul, soul consciousness, 

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