Monday, August 19, 2024

Me, My Guru – Guru who gave back youth to his shishya!



Me, My Guru – Guru who gave back youth to his shishya! 

Pointers to understand this post:

Year after year, batch after batch would come and leave. And still, his Guru never permitted him to leave. He was 70 years old now. Guru’s wife felt very bad for Gautama who was such a good student and person who had served so long without complaining even once.” – How much is your trust in your Guru decides if you are eligible for his Grace!

One who is competing with his master can never wait! He demands that he be given Mastership/Grandmastership. That reflects the shallowness of their character. And that by itself is the attitude that negates the certificate that they hold. Alas! People can’t see or understand this simple truth!

Gautama bowed to his Guru and turned to leave. His guru stopped him and asked, “Don’t you want to know why I took so long to let you go?”

Gautama replied with folded hands and head bent “You must be having a valid reason”.” – Only the pure in heart can trust. Only the pure in heart can not ASSUME that his master is not letting him go because his master is afraid that his student will progress! Purity of heart is the pre-requisite for any spiritual growth! And that is the most difficult one to achieve.

On the other hand, Gautama didn’t do any penance like Ravana, just Guru seva all the years, and still, not only did he get his material needs fulfilled but also his guru’s blessings and love – which is priceless.” – One who serves his Guru/parent/ others/God/Nation selflessly and with humility even without effort gains the purity of heart. And that by itself, raises his qualification to receive every grace of this World and other. That itself becomes the “sree rama raksha” for that person.

Grace and blessings can’t be demanded.

Grace and blessings can’t be begged for.

Grace and blessings can’t be received by manipulation. If it is received by manipulation, even then it doesn’t come to our aid or benefit us in any way.

The end doesn’t justify the means!


# Me My Guru series, Ravana, shishya, qualities of a shishya, Guru and shishya, grace of the Guru, eligibility to receive grace, humility, egolessness, faith, 

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