Monday, August 5, 2024

Source of pain!


Source of pain!

“Pleasure is not the goal of human existence!” – Swami Vivekananda.

Till man believes “pleasure” is the be all of his existence, pain and suffering are inevitable.

The day he realizes that pleasure is the enticing carrot that is used by “Maha maya” to bind him to his ‘karma’, he drops the stupidity that makes him desire and follow pleasure.

Pleasure comes with an inevitable twin pain!

Man has to see it to believe it.

No amount of discourse can give him that understanding.

No Guru can shake him from his slumber.

No life situation can move him from his ignorance.

He has to see for himself.

And for that, he has to sit in meditation – again and again and again.

This doesn’t happen overnight.

It happens layer by layer.

Ho, what a pain he has to endure till that moment comes!


Read suggested

# pleasure and pain, suffering, source of suffering, illusion, ego, maya, karma, freedom from pain and pleasure, 

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