Saturday, August 17, 2024

Me, My Guru – Guru who gave back youth to his shishya!



Me, My Guru – Guru who gave back youth to his shishya! 

Pointers to understand this post:

As I entered the class which was in progress, I found everyone engrossed in the story that was being told by our Guru. I just joined them. And in no time found myself lost in the explanation.” – All that the narrator did was be with the flow and he became one with it!

Similarly, in life, you BECOME what you identify with! We need not do much!

We need not make an effort! We just have to choose – right one! And lo! We become one with our choice. It can be “become one with your Guru, Isht Daiv (God in your favourite form and name) or an Ideal! Just identify yourself with one and you become It!

Ranjha ranjha karthi maitho Ranjhe jaisi ho gayee….

He was ‘araadhya’ (one worthy of worship and love) of one and all! He was the easiest of all Gods to please. He was God of Gods and yet simple acts of worship pleased him. He was simplicity personified.” – The higher the person grows, the simpler are ways to please him! Because Mahadev is the highest, he is the easiest to please!

If you want to grow to be powerful, then develop this quality – simplicity! Keep vanity away from you. Keep pride away from you. And lo! You become great!


# Me My Guru series, Ravana, shishya, qualities of a shishya, Guru and shishya, grace of the Guru, eligibility to receive grace, humility, egolessness, faith, 

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