Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Me, My Guru – Guru who gave back youth to his shishya!



Me, My Guru – Guru who gave back youth to his shishya!

Now listen to one more story. In the ashram of a Guru was a student named Gautama who was very devoted to his Guru. He did all the work assigned to him by his Guru happily, completely and meticulously. As was the custom in those days in Bharath, students lived in an Ashram of a Guru. The students treated Guru’s wife as the mother who fed them and looked after the boys as a mother would. And so, works like getting fruits, wood for cooking and related works would be told by Guru’s wife to his students. It was also the student’s duty of the day. This job was also done lovingly by our student Gautama. On the day of graduation, Guru permitted all to leave except Gautama. He didn’t flinch – he didn’t cry, feel miserable nor was angry. He resumed his studies. He continued doing the of the Ashram too.

The next batch of students also left but he was not relieved by his Guru. Gautama didn’t question his Guru. He didn’t ask for clarification. He didn’t get angry or depressed. He resumed his duties and studies.

Year after year, batch after batch would come and leave. And still, his Guru never permitted him to leave. He was 70 years old now. Guru’s wife felt very bad for Gautama who was such a good student and person who had served so long without complaining even once.

“Gautama is already 70 years old. When will he go out of this Ashram, when will he get married, when will he start his Ashram and teach others? Why are you stopping him from passing out? I don’t see any flaw in him. So, why are you not letting him go?”


# Me My Guru series, Ravana, guru's grace, on grace, qualities of the shishya, attitudes, humility, seva, 

also read suggested 

1 comment:

Aparna Deshpande said...

Happy birthday to Dr Mikao usu.
🙏💝🙋 I completed 193 malao of Maha Mrityunjay Mantra i am very happy i am doing Sadan regularly lots of changes in life thank you so much for everything 💞 with lots of love and gratitude 💝💝💝