Monday, October 12, 2020

On being materialistic and spiritual….


On being materialistic and spiritual….

People usually treat materialistic and spiritual life as separate. I often hear one say “I want to taste spiritual life too and want to pursue that but after I retire. But for now I want to lead materialistic life and hence don’t ask me to heal…I just want to enjoy…?!” (Whatever that means)

As long as we hold view which stems from lack of clarity in this subject, we are bound to suffer. We are bound to not follow anything correctly and whole-heartedly.

In spirituality and in meditation, we don’t leave the world far behind. We so desire the world and the things of this world that it is difficult nay impossible even to think of ‘a desire to leave them behind’. But spirituality doesn’t mean any of these things. We don’t have to go to some forest to do some intense penance. Though, that too holds its lure!

Being spiritual means we become aware of our thoughts and emotions. We don’t let them play havoc with our state of mind. We can chose which ever emotion we fancy but at our pace and convenience. We are riding the emotion.

But, as a materialistic person, the emotions run amok. They drive us crazy. One desire is enough to make us desperate and reckless in our thoughts, words and actions. We lose integrity of character and we don’t even regret that with our reasoning that supports us with logic and reasons to do so! Our mind runs us and our life. 


# materialistic, spiritual, meditation, desires, effects of desires, emotions, mind games, benefits of meditation, 

also read suggested : 

Can you share what you understood from these stories given in this link above ....

1 comment:

Supriya said...

The two stories are similar to the two frogs in the pond story. The river represents the mind. The dirt in it (and the people coming to the river with different intentions) represents our emotions. When we do not have control over our emotions it pollutes our mind. When this happens we aren’t able to think clearly and see our true desire. Our focus becomes our emotions which is already in a mess.

When we have control over our emotions in spite of what others are doing to us, then we attain peace and clarity of thoughts.

I will share a recent experience of mine in the next post.
